spider webs

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2003
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:no: Does anyone have any home remedies for getting rid of spider webs and keepping them gone from the barn. I am forever dusting them down off the walls in the barn. Looking for a magic fairy dust for this job.
I think your only defense, unfortunately, is an old-fashioned BROOM :lol: ! That's what I use
: .
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I have heard Spiders hate Furniture Polish & also "MOCK orange"

:new_shocked: Or Vaccumm
I would say , probably what you have are actually "COBWEBS" . They are caused from dust and humidity so as long as you have those two ingredients you will have them. Spider webs are made by spiders. I fight cobwebs in my barn all of the time with a broom with an extender of some sort on it to reach them all. Good Luck..

I started using a product last summer called "Cobweb Eliminator" that I purchased at Menards. It comes in a quart spray bottle and you spray the area where cobwebs are. Of course, you also have to use a broom, or a long fluffy duster to get all of them down........then spray! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It does seem to help, as they cobwebs don't seem to appear as fast or stay as long. But it's just a constant "dusting" and clean-up in an open barn.
Well. Bugs live in barns. Spiders eat bugs. If you have a barn, you wil have spiders, and therefore you will have spider webs.

Perhaps a slight change in attitude will help - "These spiders are helping clear the barn of Bugs, and therefore I love spider webs" is something you might say to yourself, while smiling and brushing down the spider webs.

Edited for spelling - yikes!
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I would say , probably what you have are actually "COBWEBS" . They are caused from dust and humidity so as long as you have those two ingredients you will have them. Spider webs are made by spiders. I fight cobwebs in my barn all of the time with a broom with an extender of some sort on it to reach them all. Good Luck..


Clara, I guess after your discription you are correct they are cobwebs and not spider webs. I guess I wasn't thinking. I'll keep the broom going. Thanks
Certain spiders I "have" to kill,- to control "if and where" they are allowed to habitate. If the web has elastisity to it, there is a resident spider living near-by. Durring the day you may not see them, -but if you look, you will find them. For me it is the "Black Widow" that I activly kill, and I am not satisfied until I smash her. Her webs are big and messy looking, with lots of elastisity to them. She is slower to escape, durring the day, and easy to kill at that time. ( this morning I found and smashed 3 big mamas) -dont forget to smash egg sacks too... The rest I usually let live as they are good for bug control.

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