Actually, the original movie WAS titled "The Thing from Another World". The alien creature was played by James Arness of later "Gunsmoke" fame on TV. If you watched "Gunsmoke" regularly as I did throughout its run, you'd recognize Arness' distintive stance and way of moving(not to mention he was something like 6'5" tall!)I stumbled across it being shown on TCM a couple of weeks or so ago; DVR'd it and watched it again for the first time since I saw it at about age 9 or 10! It scared the pants off me, but I always loved it; it was probably my 'introduction' to the world of scary movies!!Pretty hokey 'special effects' now, but very effective back in those 'simpler' days!
I saw the Kurt Russell version(plot much changed from the original). It was also scary...almost TOO much so, because it was IMO awfully gory. I saw a 'trailer'about the latest version recently; it appeared that at least to begin with, it might be sticking closer to how it was originally written. Stephen King could not have written the original; he probably wasn't even born(or was mighty YOUNG) when the original was filmed.
Going to try to DVR the Stephen King discussion, though! Saw the listing while surfing ahead through the program guide today....