Well-Known Member
I am kind of sad because the vet was here this morning and I had her look over my coming 3-year old mare (wanted to train to drive...exceptionally nice mover). Little Zoey had a collision with another smaller horse about 6 weeks ago when they were out being frisky on a breezy day. I saw it but the impact didn't look too bad and they both seemed OK afterwards.
Since then however, she has developed an issue where in the morning when I turn everyone out from their stalls, she is very wobbly in the back end. I read up on locking stifle and looked at some Youtube video examples, but she doesn't drag a leg or anything, just looks really stiff.
The vet thinks it looks like a stifle issue in one leg; could be a coincidence that it showed up right after the collision, or could be related to an injury caused by it. I know this mare's sire and dam do NOT have any issues like this; her sire is a national top 5 halter horse and he is beautiful to watch move. Maybe she can still drive someday but I can't breed her if there is a question about her soundness and that would be a disappointment.
Vet recommended MSM and also walking her up hills to try and strengthen the back legs. Does anyone out there in the forum family have any other ideas/suggestions/experience?
Since then however, she has developed an issue where in the morning when I turn everyone out from their stalls, she is very wobbly in the back end. I read up on locking stifle and looked at some Youtube video examples, but she doesn't drag a leg or anything, just looks really stiff.
Vet recommended MSM and also walking her up hills to try and strengthen the back legs. Does anyone out there in the forum family have any other ideas/suggestions/experience?