I think it is time we had another update on Sunny - how has she progressed in the last week? Oh and what about the pictures of that cute little filly without her blanket on that we were promised?????
Hey guys! So sorry for the lack of updates! Been really busy lately and had a lot to deal with past couple weeks and haven't made it over to get on the internet. I have been taking lots of pics though to get you guys all caught up! I'll start where we left off and work up to the pics I took today....
And yes, Sunny's still pregnant but is progressing really well....
wow looking really good and almost ready!!! I'd say maybe another week? and you'll see her little baby!! how is your other foal going? or your mums foal I think it was wasn't it?
Thats a great line up of pics and you can see the step by step progression. If she keeps going at this pace you will have a foal in the next week or so.
When I see her pics the first thing that always enters my head is how pretty she is. She always looks low in her pics so I am going to guess a little filly for you
What a great set of pictures - thank you so much!!
You can see how her teats have slowly separated and in the last couple of pics, her tummy is moving forward just a little. I would say we will see a baby within the week!!
Sunny foaled a FILLY! 8:40 this morning, just as I got home from work! When I checked her at 6:00am she had a full bag and was heavily waxed, went to work for a couple hours (I work at a Pet Boarding facility and the mornings are the busiest time so I worked for just a couple hours) and came home just in time to see Sunny pushing out her foal, she had it standing up! Foal came out and I got the bag off her head and made sure her nose was clear of fluid, Sunny's a great mom and started cleanin' off the baby while I ran inside and got my foaling kit. I helped get baby dried off and made sure all was well and let her and mama have some bonding time. Baby was up within fifteen minutes and nursing in about 20 mins. She ate, peed, and pooed all within the hour and was trying to race around the stall within a couple hours (as fast as those unsteady little legs could carry her anyways). She's such a friendly little one! Comes right up to everyone, had a few visitors today. Mama is doing great, eating and drinking and taking care of the little one. I'm so relieved! And now for PICTURES!!!!
Oh WOW!! I'm so very thrilled for you!! Many congratulations!! She is absolutely gorgeous - such a pretty little girl - and that colour!!
Sunny, you have excelled yourself - this little girl is well worth all the waiting we have been doing!!
Thank you fo all the pictures, so glad you were there for the birth - it must have been a bit of a shock as I expect you thought she would hang on for the night, not foal at that time in the morning. LOL!!
Again, many congratuations - she's a very beautiful little girl!