Hi everyone, after a very long wait you have been very very patient I finally found my camera cord!!
under Andrew's bed!!
so here are some pictures of him,
First let me tell you what I have been up to this arvo
came home from work at 6pm and it was actually sunny and warm!!
so I thought I know I will wash Smartie's mane (I'm trying to get it to grow so I am washing it as much as possible as that helps) he decided he didn't want his halter on and was prancing around arching his neck LOL funny thing never acts his age
finally caught him and gave his mane a real good wash
I had water left over so I thought I wonder how Finn would go giving him his first bath
he was EXCELLENT!!! so proud of my little man! I had two buckets of warm water, one with shampoo one with clean water, I have a brush with a sponge in the middle and is the best for washing them, soaked it with water and started brushing it over Finn
he loved it! thought he was getting scratches hehe silly boy! even let me scrape him off n towel dry him
was such a good boy! didn't even have to halter him (which by the way his halter training is going excellently!
giong to start the leading soon that will be fun!
once I let him go, then he went feral! lol rearing bucking racing around the paddocks LOL at least he was drying himself off! but not once did he roll thank goodness hehe so my little Finn is nice and clean and doing great!
On Saturday I went to my best friend Rebekah's house and rode her new hack for the first time
he is 16.3 hh!!!! and her mum needed to lift me on LOL as you know I'm only 5 ft 2 hehe
he was such a lovely ride!
I added some photos of me riding him too
don't look at my feet or hand position LOL its been quite a while since I have ridden hehe

this is BJ!
Rebekah BJ and me
and now some of Finn

his brown stockings lol what do you think?
do you think Suzie has lost any weight yet??