thanks Diane you are always so good at reassuring me
and thank you Renee and Megan for watching last night you girls are amazing.
I'm wondering if maybe Finn got colic due to the calves being in the paddock... maybe they didn't eat all their feed (though I let susie and finn out long after they had their breakfast)
and the ponies maybe can't handle the calf feed... Finn being the little guts he is ate more then he should and as he is very susceptible to colicing he coliced bad... Suzie might of 1had a little colic I think too as she had really really loud gut noises and wasn't wanting her hay last night she ate her dinner, then after they had both settled down I gave them the little bit of grass and Suzies udder went crazy?
Either that or she is going to foal soon LOL
Talk about stressing us out last time lol I was so worried hehe she is just making sure I have a repeat performance, right now I would love her to hold on for at least another week would love her to wait two but I don't know if she will do that.... at least a week is closer....
anyways they are in a makeshift paddock today so I can keep an eye on both of them, they can get out if they tried as I haven't electrified it, but hopefully they won't
pics from this morning...
the calves wanted to help me set up the paddock, don't know how much help they were haha
and blink was helping me watch the camera lol don't know how much help he was either LOL
![IMG_7152.JPG IMG_7152.JPG](