I was browsing a Maine message board the other day, and noticed a topic on this. Many people up this way are switching to the "economy" feed some brand offers up here because of the rising prices on grain. However, I am guessing within 5 months from now, they will also be the ones asking for advice because their horses are dropping weight or have a terrible coat because this new economy feed isn't such a deal(or they need to feed twice as much, so it's actually costing them more). However, I am only feeding 7 Mini's, so the rising prices on grain isn't too bad. If I was feeding 7 full sized horses or 20+ Mini's, I can totally understand why people are switching to a lower priced grain. Because I only have 7 to feed, the rising prices of grain isnt affecting me the way it would if I had double or triple the amount of horses.
I understand people looking for a cheaper grain for their pasture pets or ones worked every now and again, but I show all 7 of my horses, so I dont dare mess with what I am feeding. It's worked perfect this year, so I am one who is not switching.
My horses give me 100% of what they have day in and day out, whether they are in the show ring or at home, so I figure a few extra bucks per bag of grain is the least I can do. Besides, you get what you pay for.