i got a unregistered black and white pinto mare when i was 7 years old, she was estimated by the vet then to be in her late 20s... i had her till i was 16 then gave her to a family that wanted a pony to spoil... i got a call from them shortly after i got remarried ( i was 22) and asked if i would like to have her back as 'Sally' was not doing well.
sally came home, she was no longer black and white but grey and white pinto LOL she was so old, that most of the color had been lost.... took her to the vet, while she was a bit thin , about 70lbs under weight she was other wise healthy(vet said she was the oldest he had ever seen he said she had to be over 40!), so we put her on a diet or soup( she had no teeth) but even with the new diet, Sally passed away peacefully in her sleep a week later, i am so glad we got those last days with her, i loved it she recgonized me immeadiatly, same pretty brown eyes with blue marbling in them.. although her sight wasnt good. i only have a few pics of her and im not sure where they are... ill see if i can find them!