AngC - Sorry if I was mis-leading. We don't trim the eyelashes for a driving bridle, we trim the eye "whiskers" or the "antenna". The longer "guard" hairs above and below the eyes. Some ponies have a lot, some have very few. Some have/had them but rub them off when rubbing their heads. They are the "first line of defense" for a horses head/eye. AND I didn't know about this when I first started driving! Didn't help that the first bridles with blinkers I had were too large for the ponies they were on OR I used open bridles - so no problem w/ the eye "whiskers"...
I took a few closeup pics the other day - let me see if those "guard" hairs show up (hard to see! in a pic). If so, I'll clean it up (resize the pic) and post it... Wow - even in the close ups - they don't show well or at all (or my guys have all removed them). Here's a pic of Cheri that you can see ONE... It's on her eyelid and is light. Folds to the right - looks like part of her forelock but isn't.
Here's a close up of Bit - you can see her eye "whiskers" over both eyes IF you look really close. Sorry this was before I cleaned up her eyes for the evening.
Going thru the pics I took the same day as above - NONE of our Shetland mares grow long forelocks - even the ones who rarely get combed or braided. Braiding the forelocks on some seems to stop growth altogether and on others helps them to grow longer but the girls all seem to stop before their eyes would truly be "protected" by their forelocks. On the other hand, most of the boys have decently long (beautiful) forelocks... Strange - all the years I've had them I'm still discovering NEW THINGS about them. LOL
I swap back and forth on flymasks. I had a very hard time finding ones that fit, that the ponies would leave alone. They aren't cheap and they do wear out. For us, only the Farnam ones (harder & harder to find!) or the Cashel Crusader (don't fit smaller minis, yet) work... And if used religiously - need to be replaced every season. Sometimes I can get two seasons of out one but not usually.
Bit does not grow a forelock that will protect her eye - never has. Right now I actually have it braided as it was just long enough to have part of it getting caught in the drainage from both eyes and once it was stiff - it would then poke & irritate her... Glad I had it braided before this last ice storm! Need to put her fly mask back on before we get the next round of freezing rain (tonite/tomorrow?)...
and on the subject of tails - here is a yearling Shetland/Arab filly we bred/raised. She has not been body clipped, but has had fetlocks, coronet bands, bridle path (ear length) and jaws clipped. Her mane was scraggly and we were showing all our ponies as "hunter type" for a few years - so her mane has been pulled to dollar bill length. Her tail is banged about 1/2 way between hock and fetlock (it was that length and we just trimmed straight across to get it to look good...). Later she grew in her dams' awesome mane and forelock - though her tail stayed a bit thin but not as thin as some of our other Arab/Shetland x's.