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i got 14, I'm alive but badly injured LOL, then i took it again and got 17, so now it says i can taunt an animal of my choice, i choose a goldfish!!!! :lol:
Gee a dummy with a 12 badly injured but alive.
My first time I got 14 right and it said I had what it takes to survive so go order a Gloria Gainor T-shirt. LOL

Then I took it again and got all 17 correct but I still had the same message.
I definately don't know how to handle sharks! I only scored 13....alive but maimed!
Wow - I grew up at the ocean, but the sharks sure got me on this quiz!!! I'm maimed but alive!

Liz R.
I only scored a 9...but I live in NS canada... we don't have to worry about sharks or tornadoes.
Scored 14.... learned something about Sharks I never knew.

Very interesting quiz.

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