Tease Looking Close? Maybe? Hopefully?

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Thanks so much bill and Diane. It just really helps to talk to horse people as you guys know what I am going thru. I have never had a septic foal so I had no idea that it was so common for them to go up and down.

Seems like whenever you wait for something (sally with new meds) its three times as long as it really is.

It just kills me to watch her on cam not playing again and so lethargic.

We are so trying not to over stress her but we have to keep going in and messing with her.
Oh Kay
I have been watching Annie & Tease, and reading all the posts for the last few days, and hoping with all my heart that Annie gets better. I am so sorry she has gone downhill again. I really hope she comes out of this ok, and makes a full recovery SOON!

Give that sweet little girl a big hug from me

We're thinking of you all.
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Good to see Annie up and nursing for a good 3 or so minutes. Tease moved a few times, and she just followed and kept on nursing.

Annie urinated also, good to see

Edited to add. Right after Annie finished nursing she laid down. But got almost right back up again and had a little run and play
Shes still up and adventuring around right now. Hopefully she starting to feel a little better again
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Im so hoping the meds took the fever down. Almost shot time so I am really praying the fever came down.

One thing the vet keeps emphasizing that I never knew is that anytime you have a dystocia delivery, overdue mare etc etc start antibiotics as soon as the foal is born. Never wait. He said you can almost bet they will go septic from the birth trauma.

In all my years no one ever told me that and I never read it.
Im so hoping the meds took the fever down. Almost shot time so I am really praying the fever came down.

One thing the vet keeps emphasizing that I never knew is that anytime you have a dystocia delivery, overdue mare etc etc start antibiotics as soon as the foal is born. Never wait. He said you can almost bet they will go septic from the birth trauma.

In all my years no one ever told me that and I never read it.
I don't believe I've ever read that in the books I read to prepare for foaling... wow. More chapters need to be written.

Hang in there, Kay.

I'm so sorry about your filly. It's obvous how much you care and have worked to save her. I hope she comes around for you!

I had similar trouble getting my filly to nurse this spring- she was born at 363 days. I'd like to share my story in case someone reading this can benefit from my experience with a future foal in this situation. Obviously your situation with a dystocia and the maiden mare rejecting the foal is making things much more complicated so what worked for me may not always be possible. I think the take away message I want to share is to be generous with colostrum in first 10 hours if foal isn't nursing yet.

Although my mare was an excellent mother,she was in a lot of pain for the first 3 hours and wouldn't stand long enough for nursing. Once pain subsided the filly was fully unfolded and not reaching down far enough to latch on to the nipple. I let them try to figure it out for the first 3 hrs then tried guiding her for the next 2 hours. As 6 hours was coming arund, I got desperate because I knew the foal needed to get some energy and colustrum or it would crash and then outcome would not be good. I researched the method for using a syringe turned backward to milk the mare - and had no problem getting about 5 cc with each suction of the plunger. I read on the forum that some people were saying a minimum of 60 cc colostrum, but also read from other sources that the proportional amount to ensure passive transfer and adequate energy in a mini is as much as 200-300cc. Perhaps 60 cc is often adequate, but quality of colostrum varies and more is better (so long as you're not forcing it down with a syringe or tube). I was able to dump the milk I pumped into a small bottle with nipple and feed to the filly once I got 50-60cc in the bottle. She would drink about 75cc each hour or so. I was able to get her 300 cc by 10 hours and the extra energy kept the foal searching for the mares nipple on her own. After the initial bottle feeding to get the first 75cc, I would get the foal drinking on the bottle and then hold it down low by the mares udder so that the artificial nipple was in the same area as the real one. I would slide the real nipple over in to the filly's mouth. Eventually, I lengthened the feedings and once she had the 300 cc I watched for another hour as the filly found the real nipple on her own. I was fortunate to have a very good ending, but I really attribute it to milking and bottle feeding colostrum in a large quantity. The combination of 1)getting her more than enough colustrum for transfer of immunity, 2) bottle feeding a sufficient amount to keep her energy up to continue searching, and 3) encouraging the foal to keep latching on to the nipple by not overfeeding and holding the bottle in the udder area.
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My stupid computer keeps freezing and knocking out the cam.

Thank you Diane! I think I was having a mini nervous breakdown. Im usually pretty calm but I so did not expect this set back.

Fever is down to 101.9. It was 105 earlier.

Doc is going to call in the morning and decide if we have to go that drastic. Im wracking my brain trying to figure out how to do it just in case.

Gave her all her meds and then she was zooming around the stall again. They sure love their new fan

Karla in all my years I never knew that either but they say its standard in big horse foaling. They also said foals that take longer than 3 hours to nurse should be given antibiotics. I told him we have never done this but he said we had just been lucky.

Attwoode all good stuff to know!
I was just thinking...that little Annie is up and down up and down...she is so sure on her feet. I cant believe how much she enjoys swishing her little tail...it never stops
Looking at her you would never know she was sick!
Kay, I am so sorry to read back this morning and discover that little Annie has taken a step back. You were on to it straight away so that is always good and it sounds like you have an amazing vet. I am sending prayers and best wishes that this nightmare will soon end.

Big hug Renee

P.S they look even more gorgeous with their manes blowing in the wind

Diane, do you ever sleep??Are you Wonder woman in disguise?
Oh no - I am so very sorry to read that Annie suffered another set back! Just when all seemed to be going so well. Thank goodness you were so quick off the mark Kay and realised what was happening. I feel so sorry for Tease as well - to go back to being restricted must be so hard for her. As others have said, perhaps there is a bigger 'area' that they can both safely use.

Meanwhile my prayers are coming to you, Tease and Annie.

4.10am Annie and Tease Time

Annie is up and having a real good nurse, and Tease is very relaxed and staying nice and still for her. Shes then down for a nap.

From your posts Diane, it sounds as thought Annie is feeling a little better. I sure hope that keeps up!
I am so sorry to hear that Annie has taken a little step backwards but fingers crossed she will rally again.

Its 4.58 Tease Time and its just the cutest little picture of Tease and Annnie. Tease has her mane blowing and Annies is curled up into her Mom - its just the cutest thing ever. Thats a picture postcard if ever I saw one
Thank you guys so much for your notes! I watched off and on from bed as my back was killing me. She does seem much better again but they said watch for relapses. I cant tell you how much it helps having so many eyes.

So many people emailed yesterday saying "annie doesnt seem right" You could just tell on cam she was back to nursing, sleep, nursing, sleep.

someone took a cam picture of Tease and Annie both staring at the door like they were willing it open lol.

Im going to ask the vet if we can sterilize the pen with nalvasan. We have a sprayer and could spray the whole thing down. Going to hand walk them early today if there is still no fever. Not supposed to be quite as hot today so thats good. Tease is going to get some attitude adjustments on her walk lol.

She really is a great mare. She showed for 2 years and I could do anything with her. Just from the last month of pregnancy to birth she just really changed. Heck I could clip her udder with no issue. I really didnt worry about it as I have had many mares get irritable that last month, and then be like a kitten once the foal was born.

Poor Rustys RA is really flaring.
Thats good news Kay. With all of us rooting for her and all the work you are doing she just has to pull through.
Oh here is the name of the probiotic that the doc said is way better than probios. Its a gel so also easier to give.

SynerGI EQ

I have never seen this one

Morning update:

No fever! Stools are better. She seems much more pouty about shots this morning than normal so watching her closely for a bit. The dang syringe broke on me so didnt get all the shots in. I so hate these shots. Going to let her rest and redo the shot at noon. Respirations are much better.

Sally said no hand walk this morning as the heat and humidity are horrible. We thought it was going to cool off but hasnt yet.

Big big storms moving in this afternoon. Supposed to be severe so I hope the cam stays in
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We had the storms through here last night (So. Wi. had 'em too). Lots of higher winds, hail, and tons of rain. Power outages.
So if the cam goes out everyone-that may be it. Hope it does not get too bad-but that it does cool things off. That has got to help Annie and Tease. Such hot weather must be an additional hindrance to recovery. More prayers your way.
Does she seem stiff to you guys? We have been watching closely for joint ill but havent seen any. I wonder if its all the shots or ? Paranoid I know.
Shes just not acting well on cam. Dr coming as soon as they can get here. Need to take her temp but no one is home to help. Trying to find a helper

I just dont get how she can look so great this morning and a couple hrs later be so opposite
Its 2.22 Tease and Annie Time and Annies is swishing that tail a LOT. Is it because she is so hot?? Dont know how hot it is for you guys now.

Hope she is ok
Temp 103 gave more meds. Resp's way up. Hope doc gets here soon but they had 3 emergencies before me

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