Teddy and a pup!

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
London, ON
I told you guys earlier that my pups have started wandering into Teddy's stall. Being a stallion, at first I almost crapped my pants when they wandered in there. He is so non-chalant about them. He is such a gentle boy. Here are a couple of pics from tonight; just before these pics he was being mobbed by at least five of them all the while munching his hay; one pup was chewing his tail, another was chewing a fetlock
: I totally trust him now. Not many horses, let alone stallions, I would trust like this.


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That is so cute! I would be afraid too! :new_shocked: He seems to know they aren't to be afraid of lol!
Fancy and my Jack Russell are the best-est buds ever. they are so cute together. We go walking and i always say "So you want to go see Fancy?" and she starts jumping hysterically. its so cute!
: my puppy.

love the pictures btw!
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Very cute!!!!

One time, I let my collie in where DunIT, my stallion, was eating. Next thing I knew, Kelsey was laying down flat and DunIT was standing over / stradling her
: Since he's not quite a gentlemen, I don't know what he had planned for my dog :bgrin

So sweet and so true, animals know who is a danger to them or not.

Our collie puppies all 7 of them used to go into the deer and Llama's stall and the deer believe it or

not would lick the puppies but could never get a picture. The Llama/ Alpaca mix used to bounce so gently if that was possible. Never stepped on one.

Lady the mom of the collies can run up to the deer and they lick each other... Hope someday to get a pic

of that.. We still can only get about 1 foot away put will fallow us around the pond. like a dog, just behind us.

Thanks for sharing :lol:
OMG they are so cute. If I weren't getting a new Saluki puppy in two weeks I'd be

MIGHTY tempted!

Our barn cats go in our horse stalls all the time and drink right out of their water pails.

One of them goes into the stall with our mare and foal and sits on the floor by them. She

spends quite a lot of time in there.

Very cute!!!!

One time, I let my collie in where DunIT, my stallion, was eating. Next thing I knew, Kelsey was laying down flat and DunIT was standing over / stradling her
: Since he's not quite a gentlemen, I don't know what he had planned for my dog :bgrin


JILL!!! :new_shocked: :new_rofl:

Cute pic Matt...Im glad you have a horse that will put up with that...I think most of my horses (in the past) would have not been as friendly...I had some dog chasers...looked like geese with their heads/necks all stretched out...lol :new_shocked: I have never had ZZ around any dogs, so I am not sure how he reacts.
That is so cute!!

My stallion/soon-to-be-gelding adores our dogs, especially Shadow, our toy poodle, and follows them around his corral nuzzling thhem.

Ella, our quasi-LGD, was madly in love with Scarlet and would go into her corral and lick her face.

Mingus think dogs are for his amusement, and loves to intimidate them. When we lived in town, a neighbor girl brought her Pekingese with her to visit the horses. We turned around, and the next thing we knew the not-too-bright little dog was in with Mingus. He went up and stood over her with his hooves carefully planted on her long hair...poor little dog couldn't move. We raced in to rescue her, but Mingus just wanted to tease her.
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Thaht is so cute!!

My stallion/soon-to-be gelding adores our dogs, especially Shadow, our toy poodle, and follows them around his corral nuzzling thhem.

Ella, our quasi-LGD, was madly in love with Scarlet and would go into her corral and lick her face.

Mingus think dogs are for his amusement, and loves to intimidate them. When we lived in town, a neighbor girl brought her Pekingese with her to visit the horses. We turned around, and the next thing we knew the not-too-bright little dog was in with Mingus. He went up and stood over her with his hooves carefully planted on her long hair...poor little dog couldn't move. We raced in to rescue her, but Mingus just wanted to tease her.
Adorable. The funny thing with Teddy is that he goes after the adult dogs; whether it's play or not, I'm not sure; I don't let the dogs in the paddock or his stall to find out. He will have his ears back and lunge if one goes by his stall. But with the pups, he's in heaven. He nuzzles them too and just seems to take on this caring aire about him. I still grab one, of course, when they're right under foot. But he's so calm and steady, I'm sure I don't have to freak out so much; but I'm not taking chances.

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