Telfon-coated light bulbs kill chickens

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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
The November Farm Show Magazine had a scary article. A woman put the rough use lightbulb in her chicken house on a Sunday Morning. When she came out in the evening all 19 chickens were dead. She sent them to the University for testing and they found teflon gas in their lungs. Finally discovered that the rough service bulb was coated with Teflon and when it heated up, emitted the gas that killed her chickens. Sylvania is now labeling their bulbs, but GE has not done so yet. The thing to look for is PTFE, Tefcote. The teflon coating prevents shattering if it is broken.

One of her chickens was a 12 year old Banty, given to her by friends. GE paid her $782 to cover the testing costs and "replacement". You can contact her for more info [email protected]

Tests show that cooking with a teflon coated pan in a closed room can kill a parakeet.

What in the world!!
I knew about teflon pans being a problem if you have pet birds, but I ddn't even know they made teflon coated lightbulbs to even consider that a problem for birds.
I just got rid of our teflon pans ! Thanks for the info.
Marsha, I posted that info to you on your thread quite a while back
There is no reason Teflon needs to be on light bulbs.... then not to label it, when GE does... not safe!
Good info is good no matter when you get it.

I know what you mean, sometimes I don't absorb things, in my case, kinda often LOL

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