Thank *** I'm a woman in America (or Canada!)

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What a sad world we live in.
I agree. When women's rights and freedoms in any culture are governed by religion made up by men they will never truly be free. Maybe it's time we women made up a religion where the entire book is written by us
and we can have an invisible godmomma who lives on a cloud and tells us that our men must bring us breakfast in bed and muck out the stalls or we can beat them with a wet dishrag
Is *** code for God? Because I have no problem stating: Thank GOD I am an American, and I mean every word.
Uh-huh. Don't fault me for not bothering to look. I don't subscribe to the bible bashing that seems to take center stage.
GOD, found in the Bible... most Americans agree.
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Ahh, I wish I had a stall mucker. I dream about one every day as I'm shoveling. Maybe from Chippendales. I think if you were to go wayyy back in time, females did dominate when it came to religions. I'll have to pull out my dusty history books.
Ahh, I wish I had a stall mucker. I dream about one every day as I'm shoveling. Maybe from Chippendales. I think if you were to go wayyy back in time, females did dominate when it came to religions. I'll have to pull out my dusty history books.
The Egyptians had some pretty cool goddesses as did the Greeks.
Read this thread through from start to finish. I feel like Dizzy Debbie! You guys are all over the place. I guess one more rabbit trail would be acceptable. Alex, I will take Men in America Who Converted to Radical Islam Gone Bad. This is sad. I hurt for both of these dads and at the risk of being accused of fearmongering there is need to be concerned. Our youth are so impressionable.

And since the original topic predictably landed at the predictable (yawn) I will throw this in for giggles and grins.

Agnostic who suffers from dislexia: "I'm just not sure that there IS a dog."
Vickie gee...that video was so sad and yet scary at the same time. This father certainly seems to "get it" and people need to listen to his story. While I think there are a lot of good, peaceful Muslims in our country (and Canada), I have no doubt that there are also radacalized muslims who are recruiting others to join their cause. We also have a large population of young people who are susceptible to the attraction of things like gangs, and other groups who promote violence. I don't think it's fearmongering, at all. What I don't understand, is why it's going to take more people getting killed for us to wake up as a nation and address it.

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