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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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upstate NY
:cheeky-smiley-006: I am more then pleased with my new bit that I just got today from Ozark Mountain. I ordered a Myler Comfort Snaffle for my gelding on thursday from Oz. Mtn. and just got it today. I was very impressed on the design and quality of it
: I was like it was made for horses literally :new_shocked: which is sorta hard to find these days
: . I even got to try it out today, I actually just came in
, I was amazed that as soon as I bridled Banner he started chewing it softly, not popping it arund with his teeth like he usually does (his old bit was a stainless steel D - ring single joint snaffle). He looked a little suprised as I finished up checking his harness and such.

Well I put mom's colt, Buckwheat in his stall for the night before hand so there were no distractions while I tacked him up :lol: . Once he was ready I drove him out the gate (of the pen). Ohhh by the way all this is ground driving because he hasn't been worked in a while and I want to teach him a few things before he's hitched again. :bgrin But anyway we started out the gate and turned left to start out towards where I wanted to work him, we have a section of the yard (imagine like the area of a 60ft.X60ft. square) where it's nice and mowed and semi-flat. We started off walking and almost immediatly Brat (Banner has many, many nick-names) started stretching to the bit and rounding his back. He kept his head where I wanted it, added a little bit of power to his strides whenever I asked for it. When we got to our 'training area' I started him in figure-8's around 2 cones I had set up, at a really nice walk, which normally he doesn't really have a nice walk, or it's hard to get him to walk nice. After doing a few figure-8's at a walk I asked him to 'whoa' and he stopped with the lightest touch he ever has
: .

So I was figuring wow, no head tossing, grinding the bit with his teeth, or bracing with his neck, maybe this bit really is good
: . So I figure Brat's feeling good, so I asked him to trot, which he jumped into really quick and so I asked him to slow to a nicer slower trot, which after a few light half halts, he came into nicely, with good frame, then he started to trot really short and choppy, and I couldn't figure out why... it took a few strides then I relized that I had really tense shoulders/arms/hands and as soon as I relaxed he smoothed back out into a nice slow trot. Whoo Hoo I was practically doing the happy dance in the middle of our yard I was so happy how easy he was to handle so far :risa8: which for Brat (hence the nick-name) is really good, usually he's quite a tempermental fella in harness and out of harness. I wasn't quite sure though that the myler would hold him back (not literally, more like get his attention) if he really wanted to go, so I asked him to trot where he usually explodes into a gallop on the longeline (on his own), and has always been a handful there no matter what we're doing there
: when I asked him to trot he started cantering instead and gave him a somewhat sharp halt halt and was saying 'eeeeeasy trot' & he slowed instantly to a slow trot!
: I can't believe how much both Brat & I love, love, LOVE this bit. It's an amazing how it's both gentle and still enough bit to keep him in line :aktion033: I LOVE IT! lol. He was really working like a low level dressage harness horse (which is a big goal of mine, dressage is sooo awesome) We also did a lot of other stuff but I don't want to bore you! ha ha lol

I didn't get any pictures tonight, but hopefully sometime I'll get some, prolly either tomarrow or wednesday, I will post them on the picture forum because I think they will get moved there anyway, which is fine :bgrin

So thank you everyone out there that helped me choose such an awesome bit, Banner the Brat & I Thank You very very much!

:new_multi: :risa8: :488: :cheeky-smiley-006:
I'm glad it worked so well for you! It sounds like Banner was really doing a good job and you must have been asking for all the right things, in the right way, at the right time, or he wouldn't have responded so nicely. I don't think the Myler bits are miracle gimmicks or create a perfect horse (not that you were saying that at all) but in the right combination with horse and handler they remove the pain and unclear communication that some of our "problem horses" have been objecting to. Kody did the same thing Banner did almost exactly. Much less mouthing of the bit when I put it in, even softer turning and stopping (he was already pretty sensitive), and I could finally STOP him when he tried to take off galloping without it overbridling him the rest of the time.

I look forward to your pictures.

Much less mouthing of the bit when I put it in, even softer turning and stopping (he was already pretty sensitive), and I could finally STOP him when he tried to take off galloping without it overbridling him the rest of the time.
This is what I loved the best about this bit, I hopefully will get pictures later today, no time this morning for any work, so hopefully this afternoon
: .

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