Well-Known Member
:cheeky-smiley-006: I am more then pleased with my new bit that I just got today from Ozark Mountain. I ordered a Myler Comfort Snaffle for my gelding on thursday from Oz. Mtn. and just got it today. I was very impressed on the design and quality of it
: I was like it was made for horses literally :new_shocked: which is sorta hard to find these days
: . I even got to try it out today, I actually just came in
, I was amazed that as soon as I bridled Banner he started chewing it softly, not popping it arund with his teeth like he usually does (his old bit was a stainless steel D - ring single joint snaffle). He looked a little suprised as I finished up checking his harness and such.
Well I put mom's colt, Buckwheat in his stall for the night before hand so there were no distractions while I tacked him up :lol: . Once he was ready I drove him out the gate (of the pen). Ohhh by the way all this is ground driving because he hasn't been worked in a while and I want to teach him a few things before he's hitched again. :bgrin But anyway we started out the gate and turned left to start out towards where I wanted to work him, we have a section of the yard (imagine like the area of a 60ft.X60ft. square) where it's nice and mowed and semi-flat. We started off walking and almost immediatly Brat (Banner has many, many nick-names) started stretching to the bit and rounding his back. He kept his head where I wanted it, added a little bit of power to his strides whenever I asked for it. When we got to our 'training area' I started him in figure-8's around 2 cones I had set up, at a really nice walk, which normally he doesn't really have a nice walk, or it's hard to get him to walk nice. After doing a few figure-8's at a walk I asked him to 'whoa' and he stopped with the lightest touch he ever has
: .
So I was figuring wow, no head tossing, grinding the bit with his teeth, or bracing with his neck, maybe this bit really is good
: . So I figure Brat's feeling good, so I asked him to trot, which he jumped into really quick and so I asked him to slow to a nicer slower trot, which after a few light half halts, he came into nicely, with good frame, then he started to trot really short and choppy, and I couldn't figure out why... it took a few strides then I relized that I had really tense shoulders/arms/hands and as soon as I relaxed he smoothed back out into a nice slow trot. Whoo Hoo I was practically doing the happy dance in the middle of our yard I was so happy how easy he was to handle so far :risa8: which for Brat (hence the nick-name) is really good, usually he's quite a tempermental fella in harness and out of harness. I wasn't quite sure though that the myler would hold him back (not literally, more like get his attention) if he really wanted to go, so I asked him to trot where he usually explodes into a gallop on the longeline (on his own), and has always been a handful there no matter what we're doing there
: when I asked him to trot he started cantering instead and gave him a somewhat sharp halt halt and was saying 'eeeeeasy trot' & he slowed instantly to a slow trot!
: I can't believe how much both Brat & I love, love, LOVE this bit. It's an amazing how it's both gentle and still enough bit to keep him in line :aktion033: I LOVE IT! lol. He was really working like a low level dressage harness horse (which is a big goal of mine, dressage is sooo awesome) We also did a lot of other stuff but I don't want to bore you! ha ha lol
I didn't get any pictures tonight, but hopefully sometime I'll get some, prolly either tomarrow or wednesday, I will post them on the picture forum because I think they will get moved there anyway, which is fine :bgrin
So thank you everyone out there that helped me choose such an awesome bit, Banner the Brat & I Thank You very very much!
:new_multi: :risa8: :488: :cheeky-smiley-006:

Well I put mom's colt, Buckwheat in his stall for the night before hand so there were no distractions while I tacked him up :lol: . Once he was ready I drove him out the gate (of the pen). Ohhh by the way all this is ground driving because he hasn't been worked in a while and I want to teach him a few things before he's hitched again. :bgrin But anyway we started out the gate and turned left to start out towards where I wanted to work him, we have a section of the yard (imagine like the area of a 60ft.X60ft. square) where it's nice and mowed and semi-flat. We started off walking and almost immediatly Brat (Banner has many, many nick-names) started stretching to the bit and rounding his back. He kept his head where I wanted it, added a little bit of power to his strides whenever I asked for it. When we got to our 'training area' I started him in figure-8's around 2 cones I had set up, at a really nice walk, which normally he doesn't really have a nice walk, or it's hard to get him to walk nice. After doing a few figure-8's at a walk I asked him to 'whoa' and he stopped with the lightest touch he ever has

So I was figuring wow, no head tossing, grinding the bit with his teeth, or bracing with his neck, maybe this bit really is good

I didn't get any pictures tonight, but hopefully sometime I'll get some, prolly either tomarrow or wednesday, I will post them on the picture forum because I think they will get moved there anyway, which is fine :bgrin
So thank you everyone out there that helped me choose such an awesome bit, Banner the Brat & I Thank You very very much!
:new_multi: :risa8: :488: :cheeky-smiley-006: