Well-Known Member
The East Coast Miniature Horse Club would like to send out a Big Thank You
thousands of Hugs and kisses
to the Exhibitors. You have made our show a huge success again this year. I do not have all the numbers right now but I do know that of the 300
stalls in the barns only 2 were not used. It is estimated that in the AMHR and the AMHA shows
we had at least 140 horses each. I will post the actual numbers when we get them . Many of
our exhibitors traveled very far to come to our show. Some of you had to come through tornado
struck areas and had to clip your horses at the show due to loss of power at your homes. Your beautiful horses ( and I do mean BEAUTIFUL !!
) made for some heavy competition and some exciting classes. We had many
new people to the show scene and you really did a wonderful job presenting your horses in the
amateur classes and in the open. The youth classes were heavy with exctied and talented kids showing their horses . What a wonderful group!! The high point youth in each of the 3 age groups were awarded a beautiful belt buckle this year. I jokeingly offered to buy one from one of the younger exhibitors. He quickly told me it would cost me a thousand dollars !!
OH! Our Three tack
vendors were quick to offer items in any need . Its nice to be able to grab an item you need immediately before going into the ring and yell "put it on my tab. !!"
Your kindness and courtesy to us and to each other also did not go unnoticed. We had several 4-h groups come through and you were very nice to explain things to them and to show your horses to them. They were part of a equine judging competition from the local college.It included groups from all of the NC counties. Most of them had never seen minis in their show best before. They were amazed at how beautiful they were. Who knows you may see them in the ring in the future as judges or exhibitors. Your kindness will be remembered.
We are very open to your suggestions and comments about the show. We take these very seriously
and use them to improve our show each year if possible .So please share your comments with us, the good and the bad.
We are truly very thankful that you chose our show and we hope you will return next year for
our 5th Annual East Coast Miniature Horse Spring Fling. Maryann
Did I see a monkey???........................................................................

thousands of Hugs and kisses

stalls in the barns only 2 were not used. It is estimated that in the AMHR and the AMHA shows
we had at least 140 horses each. I will post the actual numbers when we get them . Many of
our exhibitors traveled very far to come to our show. Some of you had to come through tornado
struck areas and had to clip your horses at the show due to loss of power at your homes. Your beautiful horses ( and I do mean BEAUTIFUL !!

new people to the show scene and you really did a wonderful job presenting your horses in the
amateur classes and in the open. The youth classes were heavy with exctied and talented kids showing their horses . What a wonderful group!! The high point youth in each of the 3 age groups were awarded a beautiful belt buckle this year. I jokeingly offered to buy one from one of the younger exhibitors. He quickly told me it would cost me a thousand dollars !!
vendors were quick to offer items in any need . Its nice to be able to grab an item you need immediately before going into the ring and yell "put it on my tab. !!"
Your kindness and courtesy to us and to each other also did not go unnoticed. We had several 4-h groups come through and you were very nice to explain things to them and to show your horses to them. They were part of a equine judging competition from the local college.It included groups from all of the NC counties. Most of them had never seen minis in their show best before. They were amazed at how beautiful they were. Who knows you may see them in the ring in the future as judges or exhibitors. Your kindness will be remembered.
We are very open to your suggestions and comments about the show. We take these very seriously
and use them to improve our show each year if possible .So please share your comments with us, the good and the bad.
We are truly very thankful that you chose our show and we hope you will return next year for
our 5th Annual East Coast Miniature Horse Spring Fling. Maryann
Did I see a monkey???........................................................................
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