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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
South Central, KY
I thought I'd take a moment to say thanks to everyone here for the support on this cancer thing. Hubby and I don't have any family here so we are facing this together, but alone at the same time. It's emotionally difficult because I feel like I've let him down somehow. (I know, weird, right?) Anyway, it has been great to hear from those of you who have already gone thru this. Makes me feel less alone, somehow.

Tomorrow we are back in Nashville to get the pathology results (gulp) and have the spacer removed. They'll insert the actual "savi" device at that time. The following day I go to the oncologist for an all day visit for tests, tests and more tests. Sounds fun, huh? My actual radiation doesn't begin until Thursday, IF the pathology is clear and the device looks like it's going to work. So we'll see.

I'm not real sure if I'll be coming home tomorrow or not. Actually, I'm not real sure of a lot at this point. But we'll see how it goes.

Thank you all for your love and support. You guys are such an awesome group of people. I couldn't have asked for any better friends.

I really appreciate hearing from all of you, especially the cancer survivors. Makes me believe I can be one, also.
It helps to have a wonderful support team, that is for sure, and you do have that here. Best wishes through your journey.
Just know that prayers for your continued healing are going to Our Father.

It is only natural that your worries include your husband because you two take such good care of each other. Your posts display that and I find it very sweet.

Health has really become important to me and my husband lately and we find ourselves reading daily about ways to prevent health issues of concern to us and even ones we had no idea would be of concern. Ridding yourself of lotions, deodorant, and cosmetics that contain paraben is vital. I have recently replaced all of mine with paraben-free. It has taken some on-line shopping and trips to our local whole foods and natural products store but well worth the investment. I suppose we could be labeled label readers.

My dad just finished his chemo treatments and saying it has been rough would be an understatement. I finally got brave enough yesterday to mention to him and my brother separately that I think it is time to go visit a Naturopath that I have known for years in order to receive some chelation and other treatments that could give relief to some of the side effects of chemo.

Please continue to keep us posted about your journey to healing and keep being your brave self. {{Hugs!}}
Huge hugs to you! I can only imagine what an emotional roller coaster this is for you. Just know we here are thinking of you often and your in our prayers!
You're always in my thoughts and prayers Shelley! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
I was trying to catch all of your posts after I read this. So much happens in a month! Was gone from the forum for most of a busy month and came to see this! Will be praying for you. The C-word drops to the pit of your stomach like a piece of searing hot lava that hasn't quite cooled into rock. Even with that said there are really no words that can truly put into perspective what hearing the word makes you feel. Praying for total successful treatment and complete healing! Hang in there and know hope and the power of Christ's healing!
Well, been in Nashville since Tuesday morning. So far, so good. Met with my surgeon on Tuesday morning and he removed the "garden hose" aka savi spacer and replaced it with the actual device. It looks like a bundle of wires and comes out of my chest quite a long way. (actually protrudes past my shoulder). Luckily he numbed me up for that procedure as there was some tugging and shoving involved. (Was that his knee I saw up on my chest as he shoved that thing in my ****? Surely not!!) Yesterday I met with the oncollogist. They did an xray and a CT scan and everything looks good. So this morning we start the radiation. I did learn something rather interesting. Most deoderants/anti perspirants contain aluminum. (Sure enough, when I got back to my hotel, there it was printed right on the front of the Secret bottle). Apparently, you can't wear any under the appropriate arm because the radiation will react with the metal. Who knew??

The Hope Lodge where I am staying is really close to my hospital. I walked it yesterday so I could time it for today. It's an easy 15 minute walk. Hardest part of the walk is crossing the street here in front of the hotel because it's really busy and, of course, no crosswalk. The last two evenings some local restaurants have brought in dinner so I didn't have to worry about meals. The amount of volunteers just amazes me. I guess everyone has been touched by cancer.

II get to go home on Friday afternoon after my second treatment so I'm pretty excited about that because I miss hubby and all my four legged kids.

Once I am home for good and all these pesky bills are paid, I think I'm going to make a nice donation to this place. They really try to cater to the needs of the patients and don't charge a darn thing. I have just been so overwhelmed.

OK, I'm going to get a medicinal Krispy Kreme...ahem....and then head off for that first radiation treatment. And I'm using this really cool pink cancer bag to lug all my stuff around!! Got litle pink boxing gloves on it. I've already gotten many comments about how cute it is.

Totally natural. We got our first shipment a couple of weeks ago and it actually exceeds the customer reviews. We highly recommend it. They ship quickly.

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