The Deed is Done...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2003
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Can't wait until my little granddaughter can show him, they will be SO cute together. He is such a tiny little boy. When we weighed him at the vet's today, he only was 162 lbs. and he is just perfect on his size. Those weight tapes are not at all accurate for his size I guess because the last time I put it around him it measured at 250# and he didn't look any heavier. Anyway, I think it is exciting to think of the new possibilities, we can compete for gelding incentive money and I just can't wait to get some good pics of dear granddaughter with her little horsie this summer!!! He will be doing two or three AMHR shows this summer, and next year will be competing our local club's AMHA circuit.

Here is granddaughter telling us all, who is the bestest "My Little Pony" in the world!

Go geldings!

Your Alladdin is such a cool guy, and your granddaughter will have so much fun with him!
OMG I didn't know you were gelding your man!!!! WOW I bet you were stressed out!!!! wow,,, they will be an awesome pair... Go Alladdin! He is such a good boy. Congrats Amy! I thought you were gelding your colt!
I still can't believe you did it
but I agree Laddie will make an outstanding show horse for your granddaughter. Can't wait to see them out together this summer!

I use the scale at Pilchuck for my gelding every time I go and that thing is accurate down to the pound. It noticed when I left my purse on- I mysteriously gained three pounds!
It gets Kody as 230lbs exactly these days so I can't imagine Laddie even coming close to 250lbs with as tiny and refined as he is.

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Congrats! Both he and your granddaughter will be happy!

I'm "doing the deed" tomorrow to 3.
Yes, I was very stressed out! My beautiful little boy! I paid extra to have a "closed" procedure, it is done more like a regular internal surgery. They stitch him all up after it is over. I had to do this with Danny since he was a crypt, and he healed so well and quickly. I left him in the hands of my favorite surgeon at Pilchuck, Dr. B and I go back a long ways. He took excellent care of him, and Laddie left the place as jaunty as he arrived. He is recovering now in a very deeply bedded stall, I am sure he is as comfortable as I can possibly make him.

He will be back in the cart in two weeks and ready for his first show, coming soon!

Edited to add, he is eight years old this year. His first foal was born this year, now will be his only!
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Congratulations, Amy and Alladdin!!!

While "it" may not have been on his own personal to-do list, he's going to be a much happier horse now for the rest of his life -- as I know you know!!!

Good for both of you!!!

You need to frame that pic, cause it's a keeper!

I didn't know you were gelding your boy!

They are going to make a great team!
Amy I just wanted to add the picture is priceless. I think it should be in a magazine or published.
I gelded one of my stallions last fall because he has always been my daughter's favorite. That smile was worth it!!! And I can see that your granddaughter has the same smile.

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