The Eulogy

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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This is the eulogy writting by Marty for the funeral and recited by Kathy Garrison, her sister in law from Georgetown, Kentucky. She wanted to share this.

Michael was named Michael after Michael the Archangel. There are so many things that you don't know about Michael that I would like to share with you.

Michael had a heart of gold and touched many lives. He did many acts of random kindness, some large, some small, that usually went un-noticed, or that he kept a secret. He didn't expect any thanks or recognition. He was the most generous boy. Every since he was little, at Christmas time he never passed up a bell ringer without putting a donation in, even if that meant he would be short of cash for what he wanted to buy. He would give you his last penny and go without to help someone else in need. He loved to go to yard sales and he never had a lot of money to spend, but he always manged to see something that he thought I would like and use his money to buy it for me, instead of buying what he wanted first.

Michael's best friend in the world was his little brother Daniel, althought most days you would never know it. Michael assumed the role of big brother and took his role of protector, very seriously. They bickered and argued on a daily basis and were even known to engage in a couple of fist fights every now and then. But the love between these two brothers was incredibly amazing. They were always looking out for eachother. Michael and Daniel will always be a part of eachother. Daniel feels so alone without Michael there by his side.

Michael was a free and a delightfully spirited kid. He seemed to feel that his job in life was to make people laugh. He loved to sing and dance and do the funniest impersonations, anything to get a chuckle out of you. He was great free entertainment. He had many hobbies. He loved music, he loved the ocean and fish, he loved to work on cars and engines, and he loved go-cart racing. He was usually found in the garage every day, full of grease from head to toe, constantly working on his car. Ironically, he was facinated by Angels and has a large Angel collection all over his room. He also found Jesus and was to be baptized in his Church this summer.

Michael loved to go to school. He loved Sequatchie High School so much that he felt it was the best place on earth. Not to study of course, but to be with his friends. Michael's friends meant everything to him. He really loved his teachers and also enjoyed giving some of them fits from time to time. Once you were a friend of Michael's you were a friend of his for life. He was true blue and would stand behind his friends no matter what. He would always be there for anyone that needed help with anything, or anyone that just needed a soft shoulder. He was so sensitive to the feelings of others. He spoke of his friends every day. I may not know you all by your face, but I know you by hearing your name.

But Michael also wore a tilted halo. Mischieveous would be putting it mildly. He had his faults like anyone else. He was stubborn, and bull-headed and got mouthy on plenty of occasions, and yes, he cussed. But he was such a gentle boy in his heart that never hurt anyone. Michael was very much like Peter Pan, the boy who just wanted to play, and never wanted to grow up. Becoming a man for Michael was getting difficult, as all he knew was fun and games and laughter. He suddenly found himself out in the world, and being out of school without his friends to see every day, and it all weighed heavily on his shoulders. I think sometimes he was scared to graduate because he just wasn't prepared for what would lay ahead. He wasn't sure what path to take, but all he knew was that he was going to make his parents proud of him no matter what. What he didn't realize, was that we were already proud of him all along. I told him all the time that he was loved and we were proud, but sometimes I don't think he believed it and he always wanted to do better. He constantly needed his father's approval. He always was trying to do things to make his dad proud. He went out of his way to help me every day with no matter what chore I asked of him. I could always count on Michael. He never let me down.

We as parents, always make so many mistakes. I wish that teen agers came with instructions. We question ourselves now, "were we too strict?" or "not strict enough?" And did we demand too much from him? And why were things like making him clean up his sloppy room so important and getting into arguements over things like that? Seems all so trivial now. We pray that he realized that it was only because we wanted him to grow into a responsible young man and it was the only way that we knew how to raise him.

When we moved to Brockdell Mountain 10 years ago, we were very nervous and heard many bad things, and I wanted to move away. We were told that we wouldn't fit in, and we wouldn't be able to have any friends because we were outsiders. None of that was true. The people of Brockdell Mountain did accept us. They are the most kind and carring people I have ever met, in my entire life, so every Christmas we light up our place a lot to help make some smiles for our neighbors as they pass by. But I don't know if we can find the strength do this anymore without Michael. The outpouring of love that exsists on this mountain is overwhelming and we are home.

However, no place is perfect and a couple of things must change. The speeding has got to stop. The reckless driving has got to stop. I don't know how, but it must. Just yestarday, on our way here, two speeding cars came into our lane on the curves and we could have easily been hit too. There is no need for this kind of thing. We are also being infiltrated by meth labs and that has to stop. We must rid our community of things like this that are hurtful to us and are killing our children and loved ones. Brockdell Mountain must be a place where our children can all grow and thrive and be safe. We must protect our children. Brockdell Mountain must be a place where we can all live in peace and harmony. Please join my efforts to help make Brockdell a safer place for everyone.

Michael loved animals and animals loved him. It broke his heart to see animals being dumped off on the sides of the roads, abandoned to fend for themselves; defenseless puppies wandering aimlessly starving with no place to go, thrown out like yestarday's news, watching for any car or truck to stop and help them. Michael was in that truck.

Michael and Daniel have helped rescue animals found on the mountain roads over the years whenever they could. He won't be here now to help with that anymore, so please, next time you see an animal in distress, please remember Michael, and stop and help that little one. I hope to find a way to set up an animal rescue foundation in Michael's name. Please help stop animal abuse and in our community.

Michael has touched so many hearts around the world. Because of our involvement with Miniature Horses, Michael was known through the internet. People knew of his kind and loving nature and his nurturing respect for animals. Today, at this time, groups of people everywhere are paying tribute to Michael in many ways. People are with us right here, right now, all because one beautiful boy loved other people and animals and showed acts of kindness.

But how ironic, that today, Michael's little orphan kitten that he was nursing to health for these past few weeks, has suddenly died. Michael saved the kitten weeks ago and she was doing fine. She was running and playing and already becoming a spoiled little brat. But suddenly for no apparent reason, we found his little kitten passed away early this morning in the living room. Seems that his kitten missed him so much, that he had to join him in heaven.

Yes, Michael had an impact on many people. He had no idea how he was cherished and revered by so many. The world was a better place with Michael here.

Godspeed my darling. I don't know how we will live without you.


Thank you so much for sharing. What a brief and beautiful description of a life interupted. Marty has a way with words and that was wonderful and I am sure speaks and has spoken to many hearts.
Thank you so much for posting this.

I have been wanting to read this so much, thank you.

Marty is talented beyound beleif .....

God Bless!
I don't know how anyone could possibly get through that with dry eyes. It was a beautiful, and touching tribute to a beautiful young man.
Just so filled with love and respect for a wonderful young man.

so tragic to loose such a young life :no:

i think his love will live on through so many who knew and loved him
What a wonderful eulogy. Thank you so much for blessing us with it. Michael was certainly a special young man and I'm so glad that you shared this precious tribute with us. It touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry for the heart break and sorrow all of you are feeling. You have countless friends from all over who are continually lifting each of you up in prayer. We all care deeply. God and His angels are present to bring comfort and assurance to you. We are all just a click or call away.

God bless,

Unlike Marty, I have no words.

This is something that no mother, no father should ever have to do for their baby. For all the words previous, it was the last line(s) that got me. It hurts all over again.

Lara, I don't know how you have managed, either, to be there, though I admire you for it....

To anyone that has lost a child, I am so sorry and I wish this was never a reality.

No one should have to write the eulogy for their own child, but Marty did a beautiful job. Can only imagine how much pain there was with each word written........

Thank you Marty for sharing something so beautiful and private.
For all the words previous, it was the last line(s) that got me. It hurts all over again.

Lara, I don't know how you have managed, either, to be there, though I admire you for it....

To anyone that has lost a child, I am so sorry and I wish this was never a reality.

Liz, you said it. I can count on two hands the number of minutes the tears have not been flowing tonight. My heartache runs deep for anyone who has had to endure this kind of loss.
Ditto Liz. I was stumbling along with reading the Eulogy and when I got to the two last words, the floodgates opened once again. This totally sucks and NOBODY should have to endure this kind of loss. No wonder Marty is on strong meds - I know you could never get over this but how do you even begin to function as a human again after such a loss?

What a touching tribute to a life interrupted. I too am sitting here bawling once again. This is just TOO tragic.
I am still thinking of her every day.

Whatever she has to go through, however she has to go, we can at least make sure she never has to walk alone.
That is so beautiful. I've told Marty many times what a gift she has for writing. I pray she and her family will gain strength and that God will be with them during this time. I just do not know how people live through such losses. Not a day has gone by since hearing what happened that I haven't cried for Marty and her family. I just do not know how people get through these times without a strong faith.
Just reading that made me sit here and sob....I cant imagine having been at the funeral and hear it being read....Im sure there wasnt a dry eye in that whole church!! :no:

Once again, I have no a mother of a young man Michael's age, it just tears me up thinking that is just not right that Marty should have to ever write something like that for her own child!! Every word, tho, came straight from her heart and soul... :no:

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