The first baby has arrived on the farm!!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Hi all.

I am at the farm now for a few weeks. Its a bit early in the year for babys for us but apparently the baby fairy had different plans. Thankfully the horses are holding out, and so far it looks as if the mare I bought will be due in April and not March.

Anyway here is Louie, tonight in his play time. Being its so cold here, and he was born the beginning of the week when we were in the negatives we pulled and are bottle feeding him.

Isnt he so adorable???? Ok got to go feed the kid, its that time again.

Louie just wakeing up from a nap. He is in his pen in the heated room until it warms up here some.


HOW BEAUTIFUL! im starting to miss having cows and calves around, birthing was always fun!

He's just breathtaking

I thought it was a big horse foal at first when I didn't look close. I just looked at the coloring and thought what cool markings and then I saw it was a cow. I like the name.

Louie is a watusi. They have to be the most beautiful breed of cattle, as babies and adults if you ask me.
Very pretty baby and congratulations on him!


Thanks for the update, enjoy Australia. ;)

He is adorable! Love his markings! Congratulations! :aktion033:
He currently runs around the heated room while I am feeding the other animals in there. Thankfully he can only reach the back of my knees as that sucking and bunting could hurt if it was any higher :new_shocked:

He is a very playful friendly baby. I am hopeing it will warm up a bit by the end of the week to get him out in the main barn for awhile.
I love to look at the Watusis (and Louie is ADORABLE!)....but I hated having them! We had 2 bulls that we raised together...those stinkers would break out of a 50 acre alfalfa field to get to a 2 acre dry lot. They would just stand and hook the fence... for no reason!

They were both really gentle, I loved just staring at them, but my hubby got tired of having to go rope them and drag them home!!!!
Im not sure why yours always got out but ours are in a 2-3 strand electrice fence and havent ever gotten out.

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