The Healing Power of Reiki

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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This is not to take away from normal western medical care. Reiki should be practiced right along side or in addition to it.

But I cannot say enough about it! We all have the ability, but it's best to take a short course to open up yourselves to it. There are also different levels of ability and courses to go through.

Bonnie is what is called a Reiki Master. I and some others on LB have at least gone through the Level One course. I highly recommend that people do at least that as it can be very beneficial to both humans and your animals.

You can find courses for Reiki in most somewhat populated regions.

My most recent experience with it was on a dear friend who also has had heart bypass surgery and I didn't tell him what I was doing until after. It's been weeks and he is still telling people about it and how wonderful it was. (I have had to tell him more than once that it wasn't ME. I was just the conduit.)

YOUBETCHA MA! I am and always will be totally life centered around my Reiki. If you have pain, if you're depressed if anything hurts in your heart, your soul, your body or someone elses REIKI is miraculous. You all saw the pics of my hand. THAT was REIKI. Be open and explore it.

Bless you Bonnie and others who helped me help myself too. Namaste.
What exactly is Reiki? Is it meditation? I hear so much about it, yet I have no clue what it is. And the burns on dimimores hand are really amazing.

I'm not a big believer in Western medicine (although it does keep my hubby alive, so I shouldn't complain really) and am always looking to learn more about alternatives. Darrin and I could both benefit from some options.
Reiki (prounced Ray-key) is an ancient hands on healing and relaxation modality

rediscovered by a Japanese minister. It is however not a religion, or a cult no meetings and should I believe be used with all other types of medicines in our arsenal.

It can be done by anyone and cannot be done wrong. Children are especially good at it.

It relieves pain and heals on all levels. It has to be passed on by a master teacher or in Reiki circles a Reiki Master.

You can find them at natural foods stores on the advertising boards or new age shops.

Goo experience a Reiki session and it will show you much better than mere words ever can!

Almost all hospitals and nursing homes want their staff trained in it now. My brothers ICU room nurse was trained in it!

If you need more info let me know.

Thank you Bonnie. I'm going to look around to see if there are some practitioners around here (I bet there are in Boise) and check it out. I appreciate the information.
I was hoping Bonnie would answer the question of "what is Reiki". She of all people would know!

I try to tell people that it's the traveling of God's Healing Energy through a conduit (another person) to the person or animal who is in need. There is absolutely no religion involved since the recipient doesn't have to know they are receiving, ie - an animal or as I posted above, a friend. I have done it to some of my horses and watched them physically relax.

Here's a link that also explains it:
Absolutey a total believer in Reiki. It is something I don't often talk about because it is such a private thing to me. Daisy got bitten on the shoulder and it was a softball sized hard hot bump and very painful to her. I did three sessions on her and it went completely soft again the heat left and healed beautifully within a couple of days. I think, probably the only reason my pets live so long is because I project intentional healing on them whenever they are sick or wounded. However, some have not allowed or desired the healing and I accept so I respect their wishes. I am only directed to do so under certain circumstances, and that includes prayer as well, and is not in any way under my control. As MA said all of us are only conduits and you must respect the decisions of the the powers that be. For me that power is God.

My first experience with it, unbenownst to me, was back in the late 70s. We had our dairy goats wormed with what at that time was a new injectable wormer.

The kids came running to me to say our Annie was down and gasping for breath. I picked up her little limp body and ran for the house to call the vet back. As I sat on the porch rocking her I made the intention to focus all the healing power I could muster and felt a huge rush of what I can only recall as kind of a hot white kind of energy into her and she began slowly come around up and started breathing better. It was a visceral kind of transfer.

By the time the vet got the page and got back to our farm it was an hour and 45 minutes later. She was totally astounded and said my little goat should have been dead by now as she was in full anaphalactic shock by the description. She was going to treat her for shock but when I put Annie down she trotted off like nothing was wrong at all. I later learned that what I was doing was called Reiki although I had no knowlege of it at that time. Go figure, I know it works
My massage therapist was a "trained reiki" person...I'm not sure if that's what you call it. Anyway she would do reiki on me (this is a few years back) and at first I went in there a little confused and skeptical but I came out amazed. Even though I was clueless as to what was going on I could actually feel all the pain from my body going and clustering into one spot and out of my body into her. It was absolutely amazing to say the least. Afterward I had a large red mark that stayed there for a few days where the pain had left me!!!

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