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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
Do you tend to read the books that everyone's talking about? Or are you a black sheep who refuses to be pulled into the latest hype?
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I don't think I buy into the hype... MOSTLY because I don't think I"m in the loop enough with what is popular in books to be drawn in. I do not miss a Stephen King book, and his been my favorite for over 25 years now. I did read Twighlight a few years ago based on a recommendation here (I think it was pre-movie). I do like to check out books that others recommend, especially my Mom. She and I both love southern fiction. I like to look a the book recommendations on LB. I read reviews on and will often look at their recommendations for me (but actually those rarely pan out into a purchase). Like to read the reviews of other readers. Honestly, I'm not that picky of a reader and, especially with audiobooks, I seem to like most everything I start.
A couple of times I've been pulled into the hype. the first time was back in day when everyone was reading Salems Lot by Steven King and raving about it. I read it and have been hooked on his stories every since. Last year I got pulled in again as everyone I know was reading 50 Shades, I hated it and only read the first one then gave it away.
Wow, I just saw my beginning post. I think I wrote 25 words, and totally left out two of them. I'm blaming it on a phone error.

I have never read a book (or series) when it is huge on the market. I usually become a fan a few years after the hype has died down, and then it's like 'Ah, now I know what everyone was going going on about'. Lol.
I don't go with the group. I read the first twilight book but hated the Bella character, never read the rest. Can't seem to get interested in reading the Potter books, did try the Fellowship of the Ring books, but they were too wordy and weird for me. I do like the movies. Also when Ann Rice was the rage, couldn't get into her books either.
Kanoas, that's how I was with Steven King. I tend to OD on certain authors and then can't read them anymore. lol
I resist hype, because I'm naturally contrary, but I usually end up having to see what all the fuss is about. Sometimes, like Harry Potter, I'm sorry I waited so long! Other times, I wish I'd held out.
Kendra, I didn't read any of the HP books until after the fourth movie was out. I was waaaaay behind. Lol

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