Had to get myself together before posting here....
As most of you know, we lost Mocha (Ericas Knock Em Dead ) to presumed Eastern Encephalitis (EEE) on Sat... :no:
You need to know, however, how much this little horse was loved....
First she is the sister to Ericas wonderful show mare "Knocker"
Second, when we first started looking into showing minis, Heather saw and ad for Bandito and fell in love... she has his pics in her room, etc...
Last year at AMHR nationals we got to meet Erica briefly and she was ever so nice!! That just made Heather want a filly from Bandito even worse. So shortly after Nationals, I emailed Erica and asked her if she had a Bandito filly come available, to please let me know. Lo and behold, Erica decided she could part with Sister (Mocha). So arrangements were made months ago and the filly became destined for Heather's birthday/graduation gift.... :bgrin
Erica not only kept this filly's new owner a secret for us, she boarded her, got her qualified for nationals and brought her to nationals for us. :aktion033:
Then all the crowd at Dawns Chase stalls help "hide" her, groom her and get her ready to show. Erica snuck down during part of the youth program and got her measured in and ready to go....
Then Monday as we were getting all the futurity horses ready for their classes, we told Heather she needed to help get "that filly" ready and stay dressed for show in case "they" needed help....
As we headed to the ring , Heather became suspicious about this little mare she was leading and asked, who is this filly... to which we replied Ericas Knock Em Dead... why do we have an Erica horse??? Oh she's yours, have a good class
Mocha showed her heart out for Heather and everyone was on "cloud 9" (sorry the pic isn't real clear)
(this is the layover spot)
She traveled home well and seemed to make best friends with a weanling we had with us. The first 6 days were heaven - she ate, played and begged for scratches.
Then last week turned to tragedy as you all know. :no:
PS: This mare had been vaccinated but apparently didn't respond well enough or long enough to protect her ... EEE is so bad in NC that in 2003, the state recommendations were changed from every 6 months to every 4 months as over 100 horses died from confirmed EEE...
Thank you for everyone's kind prayers and thoughts
Had to get myself together before posting here....
As most of you know, we lost Mocha (Ericas Knock Em Dead ) to presumed Eastern Encephalitis (EEE) on Sat... :no:
You need to know, however, how much this little horse was loved....
First she is the sister to Ericas wonderful show mare "Knocker"
Second, when we first started looking into showing minis, Heather saw and ad for Bandito and fell in love... she has his pics in her room, etc...

Last year at AMHR nationals we got to meet Erica briefly and she was ever so nice!! That just made Heather want a filly from Bandito even worse. So shortly after Nationals, I emailed Erica and asked her if she had a Bandito filly come available, to please let me know. Lo and behold, Erica decided she could part with Sister (Mocha). So arrangements were made months ago and the filly became destined for Heather's birthday/graduation gift.... :bgrin
Erica not only kept this filly's new owner a secret for us, she boarded her, got her qualified for nationals and brought her to nationals for us. :aktion033:
Then all the crowd at Dawns Chase stalls help "hide" her, groom her and get her ready to show. Erica snuck down during part of the youth program and got her measured in and ready to go....

Then Monday as we were getting all the futurity horses ready for their classes, we told Heather she needed to help get "that filly" ready and stay dressed for show in case "they" needed help....

As we headed to the ring , Heather became suspicious about this little mare she was leading and asked, who is this filly... to which we replied Ericas Knock Em Dead... why do we have an Erica horse??? Oh she's yours, have a good class

Mocha showed her heart out for Heather and everyone was on "cloud 9" (sorry the pic isn't real clear)

(this is the layover spot)
She traveled home well and seemed to make best friends with a weanling we had with us. The first 6 days were heaven - she ate, played and begged for scratches.
Then last week turned to tragedy as you all know. :no:
PS: This mare had been vaccinated but apparently didn't respond well enough or long enough to protect her ... EEE is so bad in NC that in 2003, the state recommendations were changed from every 6 months to every 4 months as over 100 horses died from confirmed EEE...
Thank you for everyone's kind prayers and thoughts