So I feel the business part pulling me one way and the 'heart' part pulling me another, but what you have said kind of takes the 'business' 'heart' competition out of it....that makes it easier.
Well, you do know your sister has a birthday coming up next month......: :bgrin:
That is a very good suggestion too!I don't know if this will help, but it's something I do when it's really hard to decide. I make a checklist - actually write it down in black and white - not just in my head. And I put down all the points that are important to me, for example: straight legs, level topline, pretty head, right pedigree, personality, mature height, color, etc. Then I prioritize them from the top all the way down. Then I complete the checklist for each horse and see who has the higher score - meaning who has the most of my top priority criteria and who has the lesser criteria. Does that even make sense? It's hard to explain in writing!:
Good luck - you're gonna need it!
Well, you do know your sister has a birthday coming up next month......: :bgrin:
How about gluing the fur back on and pretending you never clipped her? No, I guess that won't work....
There ya go Charlotte......problen solved, Becky gets the birthday filly with the condition she is shown/trained by Becky for your farm! Could be a fun venture and a neat way to share a filly. Aren't I a big help?
Russ & Targetsmom, You guys are just SOOOOO much help!!!How about gluing the fur back on and pretending you never clipped her? No, I guess that won't work....