Well-Known Member
What is with this month....last month was soooo was the most fun & the best I've felt some good business, got a new (well used, but it's pretty new) vehicle, finally got myself a mini trailer....and actually thought I had a guy that was interested in me (I've been very single for a few years).
November has just been the has been alright, and the car's been awesome...but everything else.....I've been sick for the past couple of weeks, which probably isn't helping things....I'm supposed to be going on a holiday in a week, and am having a few issues with that which is a long story in itself....the guy thing, well we were supposed to be going out last night, but he ended up having to work (and I have no self confidence in the guy department, so I always second guess myself on whether they might be interested or not)...things at the barn have just been crazy....I'm tired of living in the same house as my grandparents (who just moved in the beginning of October and drive me batty on a daily basis), but can't afford to do anything about it since I can't afford and don't want to live on my own.....
This past week has been the worst.....and after the disappointment of last night thought oh, it'll be better's Saturday....go to the barn to find out that Moxie's litter mate (who lives across the road from the horse barn) was killed on the highway this morning
he was such a happy-go-lucky puppy! And the lady and I had gone to pick him up.....just 3 weeks ago....she is just devastated......along with the rest of us....I've been in tears all morning....I just kept thinking, god that could have been Moxie the other day when she ran across the road (she now wears the invisible fence collar).....and I just feel horrible about's not even my dog and I'm a blubbering idiot.....
*sigh* think I'll go find me a nice couch to curl up on and fall asleep for the rest of the day.....
sorry, but thanks for letting me get that off my chest....
November has just been the has been alright, and the car's been awesome...but everything else.....I've been sick for the past couple of weeks, which probably isn't helping things....I'm supposed to be going on a holiday in a week, and am having a few issues with that which is a long story in itself....the guy thing, well we were supposed to be going out last night, but he ended up having to work (and I have no self confidence in the guy department, so I always second guess myself on whether they might be interested or not)...things at the barn have just been crazy....I'm tired of living in the same house as my grandparents (who just moved in the beginning of October and drive me batty on a daily basis), but can't afford to do anything about it since I can't afford and don't want to live on my own.....
This past week has been the worst.....and after the disappointment of last night thought oh, it'll be better's Saturday....go to the barn to find out that Moxie's litter mate (who lives across the road from the horse barn) was killed on the highway this morning

*sigh* think I'll go find me a nice couch to curl up on and fall asleep for the rest of the day.....

sorry, but thanks for letting me get that off my chest....