I have chosen to not dive into the emotional back and forth in this election. It's been interesting to read, though. And in my opinion it shows how scared we ALL are right now........
To be honest I do not believe that either candidate is going to solve the problems that are facing them. Nor do I believe that either of them will answer any of the issues that are on MY List.........
This is what *I* want --- (This is not in a specific order) ---
1. Free Enterprise for every legal U.S. citizen. (If you don't know what that is, Google it. We are not getting it.)
2. Partial Birth Abortions to be BANNED. (I cannot figure out how anyone can be FOR this!)
3. Do not curtail current energy resources, until alternative ones are ESTABLISHED.
4. Cut the Government Red Tape on any companies who are working on developing Alternative Energy.
5. Throw out ALL of our present Tax Laws and create a Flat Sales Tax. (The only thing exempt would be groceries and medicine.) Make each state the responsible parties for collecting. The Federal Government will then receive a percentage from each State. (This will reduce the power of the IRS.) Believe it or not, this was how our Founding Fathers initially planned it! This leads to the NEXT item........
6. Crack down on illegal aliens; give our southern border patrol officers more support with either more power or more back up with the National Guard. However, if a Flat Sales Tax were in place, even illegal aliens would be paying into the system every time they purchased something, unlike they are NOW.
And that is MY dream right now.........on the LOCAL Front.
To be honest I do not believe that either candidate is going to solve the problems that are facing them. Nor do I believe that either of them will answer any of the issues that are on MY List.........
This is what *I* want --- (This is not in a specific order) ---
1. Free Enterprise for every legal U.S. citizen. (If you don't know what that is, Google it. We are not getting it.)
2. Partial Birth Abortions to be BANNED. (I cannot figure out how anyone can be FOR this!)
3. Do not curtail current energy resources, until alternative ones are ESTABLISHED.
4. Cut the Government Red Tape on any companies who are working on developing Alternative Energy.
5. Throw out ALL of our present Tax Laws and create a Flat Sales Tax. (The only thing exempt would be groceries and medicine.) Make each state the responsible parties for collecting. The Federal Government will then receive a percentage from each State. (This will reduce the power of the IRS.) Believe it or not, this was how our Founding Fathers initially planned it! This leads to the NEXT item........
6. Crack down on illegal aliens; give our southern border patrol officers more support with either more power or more back up with the National Guard. However, if a Flat Sales Tax were in place, even illegal aliens would be paying into the system every time they purchased something, unlike they are NOW.
And that is MY dream right now.........on the LOCAL Front.