In one of my classes today we learned that Fargo, ND was voted as the toughest weather city in the US in a contest started up by the Weather Channel. It beat out cities in Michigan, Minnesota, Alaska, and then Bradford, PA. Of course it was just voting though. Still, I thought it would be neat to share. Our farm is actually an hour south of Fargo, but I have an apartment here because I attend one of its colleges. I thought about commuting, but in the winter there are too many days that the interstates are closed and in the spring the interstates are always closed due to flooding. We are in what's called the Red River Valley which used to be a lake bottom so it's completely flat (Seriously, there are ZERO hills. Not even little bunny hills.) and the only trees are ones that people have planted for shelter belts so it's always windy as well. There are a few rivers in the area that flood by a lot every spring. 18 ft is considered flood stage for the Red River and it usually crests at 40 ft.
Here is the link for the Toughest Weather City title: LINK
And here are some pictures of this spring's flooding which actually wasn't too bad this year. We were prepared. First photo taken by Schwert and second by Ann Arbor Miller.
Sending thoughts and prayers to those having tough weather this spring.

Here is the link for the Toughest Weather City title: LINK
And here are some pictures of this spring's flooding which actually wasn't too bad this year. We were prepared. First photo taken by Schwert and second by Ann Arbor Miller.
Sending thoughts and prayers to those having tough weather this spring.