You don't go to a horse show expecting or hoping to lose -- we all go there to win, but the reality is -- if the class is large enough SOMEONE ISN"T GOING TO PLACE. Sure, we all feel bad for those that don't, but I truly believe that most of us who show - especially at the National/World level - know that it takes a lot of hard work, a horse that is truly ON from the MOMENT IT ENTERS the ring until the placings are called to actually win. If you horse is off, or if YOU are off, it is easily noticed -- after all people it is a SHOW -- the horse is supposed to be at it's pinnacle of perfection in order to win. It takes a lot of guts, hard work and determination to play in this game -- that said, it also take a certain amount of inner fortitude because sometimes with all that hard work, you still walk out of the gate without a ribbon -- I have been there waaaay too many times to count.
One of the things that has drawn me to miniatures in the first place is the OVERALL overwhelming amount of support from pretty much all the people who show - trainers included. It is rare to find a trainer who isn't pleasant and appreciative of every other competitor in the class - yes, every once in awhile there is a "bad apple", but thankfully not many.
Let's remember the reason we are all doing this -- it is supposed to be fun, I have been in the stands many, many times and have cheered from last to first, and first to last -- and then cheered for all those that have worked so hard, only to leave without a ribbon - it is their right, & it is my job as witness to appreciate all their hard work -- no matter what. Yes, it is really crappy to only have 10 placings in an 11 horse class, but that is a horse show. As Lee mentioned, the fellow who did leave without a ribbon is also "family" to him, he was not kicked aside, he was warmly embraced by his "show family" and I am sure still felt very proud of the job he had done -- and I am sure was just as happy as the rest of the "show family" for the fellow that won.
Again, it is not world peace - it is a horse show, and perhaps if EVERYONE in the stands CHEERED FOR EVERY PLACING rather than singling out their favorites it would not seem to some that certain individuals are being singled out -- as I said, as a witness, I feel it is my JOB to applaud the hard work of those who have enough guts to get out there and show, so that is what I do, for each and every person in the class, maybe we could all add that to our "reason for being there" and join in.