This is where different opinons come in, as far as I can see. I have seen you say you prefer the taller minis so whether you are breeding or not my understanding from what you have said previously is that you do prefer the taller minis and I was just poiniting out that those who prefer the smaller have that right. And I didn't say you said anyone was having a hissy fit...please read what I say and not add more to it than what was meant. Thanks, mary
Mary, you are missing the point of Lisa's question completely. She's asking much the same thing I asked earlier on in this thread. (Becky did somewhat answer my initial question--thank you to her!) Lisa isn't saying that those breeding for the smallest shouldn't breed for that small size. No one that I've seen has said any such thing.
If AMHA were to change tomorrow & allow horses up to 36" that would in no way take away anyone's right to breed for the under 30" horses. It's not as if anyone is proposing to make it a rule that horses must be between 32" and 36"--they could still be as small as anyone wants/tries to breed them! It's not either/or--it can be both, giving more choices for people who want to participate in AMHA.
The question is simply--how does opening the registry "ruin" things for those wanting to breed the tiny Miniatures? There are already 35" and 36" horses with AMHA papers being used in AMHA breeding programs. So, officially allowing them to keep their AMHA papers doesn't change anything. The 35" and 36" horses are either in AMHA officially or they are there on the sly. I know some people do turn in papers if the horse goes over 34", so I suppose allowing the height limit to increase to 36" might add a few more of the taller horses back into the mix. However, so many don't turn their papers in, I question how much difference it would really make, numbers wise.
I understand what Becky was saying earlier--she doesn't want the taller horses in her pedigrees. I do see where she's coming from. However, if the 35 or 36" horses were allowed to be in AMHA legally, their heights would likely be reported properly on their permanent papers, which would actually make it easier for people to pick and choose horses that truly are small--people would be less likely to fudge measurements. Sure, then maybe you're going to get some 36.5" horses being registered as 35.75", but still--if you only want the under 33" ones, you're not going to go & buy a 35.75" horse. Preventing the 34+" horses from being "legally" registered isn't going to remove those taller horses out of the pedigrees of existing horses so there are always going to be the taller genes to deal with, like it or not.
I could see people being violently opposed to opening the registry to the 36" size limit IF doing so was going to result in loss of papers for any horse under, say, 29"--but such is not the case.
Sure, the founding fathers of AMHA chose to allow horses no taller than 34", but many things evolve and change from what was initially decided. Such was the case of AMHR, for one. AMHR also began life as a 34" and under registry, and then years later it changed to include the taller horses. How has that harmed AMHR? AMHR still has small horses, right down to the tiny 28" and under. As I said before, look how many under division horses are shown at Nationals. At many of the local shows the under classes still have the biggest numbers.
I'm still not seeing anyone really explain how adding in 35 and 36" horses would harm AMHA? From what I'm reading no one really has any idea of how it would be harmful, it's just not the way it's been, and so they don't want it to be.
edited to add--having just read songcatchers post...are you denying that "anyone" (or "many") use 35" horses for AMHA breeding? I know very well they do, and no, I'm not one of them--I don't even have an AMHA horse at the moment--I have a few under 34's but have bred for the over 34 ones and am proud of them--and I won't be trying to pass any of them off as being under 34! However, in the few years I've been in Minis I've had enough people show me the tall horses they bought as 34" or smaller AMHA horses, with AMHA know that yes, there are plenty of people out there who are using taller horses in their programs and selling off the tall ones on small sized papers. I'm certainly not saying "everyone" does it--I do know that "everyone" doesn't do it, because I know some people who do turn in their AMHA papers on the horses that go over 34". Just because some "cheat" doesn't mean everyone does, but likewise just because not everyone cheats means that noone does!
I actually think maybe you would get more honest measurements if the 35 & 36" horses were "legal"--the 34.5" horses wouldn't be as likely to get passed off as being 33". I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that such would be the case.