Time to get out of the closet,,,,who smokes?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
I do, and it is high time I didn't!

Mary Lou, maybe you could make this the "official" stop smoking thread??

I can't count how many times I have "quit".

All three times I was pregnant, if I even thought I was pregnant, I stopped,,,had the kids, well, no reason not to any more, then I started again. Several other times I stopped for 7, 9, 11 months, and then,,,well, not sure why I started back up again.

It seems to be harder with no support, so maybe this will help us,,,or at least I hope so.

So, we need a start date, I have done that before and it really does help.

I would like to pick Feb. 7th. You need time to prepare yourself.

Need some convincing? Well, I don't think I need to go into all the health issues, and boy are there many!! How about the money. Average pack is $4.90,,,so, if you quit, what can you do with that extra $147 a month? Now yours may be more. Maybe you have a different reason/goal. Maybe you want to be able to show in the hunter class without passing out.

Mine is my health.

But, the main reason. On Feb. 10 I am leaving for New York to see my very very special grandbabies. With their heart conditions, I do NOT even want my clothes to smell like smoke. I am going to do what ever it takes to make sure I take nothing in to them. I for sure do not want to go through "quiting" each time I see them, so I will do it for good. With your help.

So, who is in? Maybe this is just what you needed, and here it is!!

We can ALL do this together. I will offer all the support I can to help.


So, Feb. 7, we wake up with a breath of fresh air!!

I already have a plan of how I will cut back between now and the 7th. It may help you to do the same,,,may not be the same plan as I have. I smoke 15 a day, I plan to cut back 2, and 2 days later cut back 2 more.

Your health is worth this shot!!
Stop stop stop!!!

I can't even imagine how hard it is to quit smoking. My parents did it cold turkey in 1980 and still say it's the hardest thing they ever did.

Just with what I went through a year and a half ago being diagnosed with lung cancer (never smoked), I know how terrifying it is for the person and their family. When it's related to smoking, the story usually doesn't turn out the way mine did.

I wish everyone who decides to quit the best of luck and would encourage folks to look into the various aids they have now that can help.

PS Your timing is really something because just today, I found out my Aunt Ray died of lung cancer a year ago (yesterday was one year). I saw a post my cousin made on FB yesterday saying it was a year since she lost her mom to cancer. My parents told me she had heart disease because they didn't want me to be afraid my results would be the same as hers (her diagnosis came right about when mine did). She was a life-long smoker. When I talked to my mom this morning and told her what my cousin put on Facebook, she told me what had actually happened. My Aunt Ray was such a good person. She lived in St. Louis, but we saw her about once a year since I was a kid and she was just a really special lady.
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It can be done! I quit after thirty years! Not easy. I used one of the crutches out there that helped. Nicotrol - Like a tiparillo cigar with a nicotine pouch in it. Dr perscribed. It worked for me. Different people need different motivations to quit. It sounds like you have the most wonderful motivation of all. Good luck. You will be so proud of yourself when you win this fight! Just keep pounding that stinkin' monkey off your back. Horse women are the strongest people in the world. You can defeat this monster.
I quit when I was 25,i'm 37 now, I did it cold turkey.I munched on hard candy and gummy worms
.I found just really keeping busy,as soon as I had a urge I did SOMETHING,that also helped me to keep from gaining any weight.I remember saying to my husband if I quit smoking the money i save would definately feed another horse

You are planning it PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's coming on THREE years for me in March and I had a trip planned from here in Oregon to see two (non-smoking) friends in New Orleans.....

I picked a date about 10 days prior to departure to actually quit and did it cold turkey. Smoked the last cig in the pack , brushed my teeth and went to bed.........(Stocked the fridge with juices.)

I didn't drink coffee (that was a hard one) .......I drank teas, juices, and lots of water. Brushed my teeth three times a day. Oh, and I didn't drink any wine - which I always liked. Basically, I changed my daily "habits".

By the time I left for the trip I was free of the nicotine and into a new routine.....

God bless you for doing this! If you can mentally set a date, a goal, you can do it!!!

You can do this.It is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.Think of how much money you will have.My suggestion is figure how many packs of smokes you bought in a week times the cost of each pack and put that amount of money in a special account or place.Use that money for an extra trip to see those babies or something special for yourself.You might even become a frequent flyer with that smoke money.Now you will not be burning up that amount of money.I quit smoking in 1982 and was smoking 2 packs a day for 25 years.Did it cold turkey and took 1 drag the first day and nothing ever since.Now I can't stand the smell of smokes of any kind.I never noticed how bad I stunk until I quit.You will be amazed how nice things will smell to you.You can do this for yourself. I am very proud of you for taking this big step.You go ,Girl.
It CAN be done!

I went it totally alone cold turkey after smoking almost 3 pks a day for 24 years!

I had tricks to help me. Holding a pencil, Breaking a Nicorette tablet into pieces and using a piece after dinner.

That first day I smoked one cig, 2 puffs, put it out, later 2 puffs, put it out etc. I realized that soon I would justify to myself that I could handle x many a day and cut back etc.

NO!!!!!!! That wasn't the way to quit! I told myself that if I was going to quit, to QUIT. No games, just DO it!

I didn't tell myself that I couldn't have any cigs (that would make me crave them more) instead I told myself I DON'T SMOKE anymore, I don't want them, don't need them and that I don't DO them. And I didn't! That pack sat beside me for a month until I threw it away! That last carton is still in the cupboard (cuz I can't reach it to throw it out LOL)

I just had my SIX YEAR anniversary of not smoking! This is my FIRST and ONLY quit!

Once I said I DON'T smoke any more, I have not wanted one at all. It's all mind control. You have to be strong to get past the illness not smoking puts your body through. Smoking is poison and it takes a while for it to clear your system. It is not easy but it can be done! And hon, it's SO worth it!

I'm proud of everyone who has quit, who is going through quitting and who is about to QUIT!

go to the quit stop .com
Well, you guys are no help,,,,,you've already quit!!

Thanks so much for the tips and ideas. Most will only work if I allow them to.

Actually I am not nervous, or concerned, of have any doubts, so rather looking forward to it. Already smoked less yesterday because I have already made up my mind I was going to do it, so didn't need as many. I know, sounds funny, but true.

thanks again for the suggestions and support!!
Well, you guys are no help,,,,,you've already quit!!

Thanks so much for the tips and ideas. Most will only work if I allow them to.

Actually I am not nervous, or concerned, of have any doubts, so rather looking forward to it. Already smoked less yesterday because I have already made up my mind I was going to do it, so didn't need as many. I know, sounds funny, but true.

thanks again for the suggestions and support!!
I kept a pack of cigs in the freezer because I didn't want anybody to tell me I couldn't have them.Threw them away after 1 year.Behavior changes are the thing.Figure out where and when you smoke the most.Then make adjustments and do other behaviors.Mine was driving in the car so I would take snacks to munch on-celery or carrots or apple slices are good without packing on the pounds.Talking on the phone at my desk(this was before cell phones)was another bad place.I found other things to do at the desk.I think the shrinks call it behavior modification.Not smoking is the BEST thing you can do for yourself.I would also smell the dirty ashtray when I got the urge and tell myself THIS IS HOW I SMELL WHEN I SMOKE EEEUWW THIS IS GROSS I REALLY STINK and now I know it is WAAAYY worse than a pile of manure.Kee p it up-every days with no smokes is progress
My husband is at one year this month. He was very sick and various doctors diagnosed and medicated him for all sorts of trial and error things. He had sores on the bottoms of his feet, which were erroniously diagnosed as bone spurs. His fingernails became concave (which one doctor said was a "red flag", but she didn't try to find out the problem.) Finally he got so weak he could not walk from the barn to the house without resting, and tried another doctor. He was diagnosed with Buerger's disease. It is an auto-immune disease CAUSED BY NICOTINE. The ONLY cure is to quit smoking. He cannot even go into a Casino or restaurant with smoking in it or the disease symptoms are triggered.

The doctor gave him the phone number and web site address of a State funded quit smoking program. Your state may have one, too. There is a significant support team and you can be assigned a Quit Coach. He could use NO nictine products, such as patches. He decided to try Chantix. It was a good choice, as he is a very strong willed man but realized he could not quit cold turkey. (We have since found out that Buergers triggers an even stronger addiction than for other people. In fact, he is the only Buerger's patient his internist has who has successfully quit. His other patients are losing fingers and toes, but cannot quit.)

So, ask your regular doctor about such a support group in your state. Ask about Chantix. My husband did have significant deaming and sleep walking, but he was only on it for 3 months. After he got off the drug, all the symptoms went away.

One hard thing is movies where everyone is smoking. We subscribe to Netflix; we can either watch new movies with sex and violence, or old movies where everyone is smoking like a chimney! Watching smokers in movies does tempt him, but he is adamant he will never smoke again.

The patron of addicts is Venerable Matt Talbot. You can research him. I ask for his help constantly for my husband. Prayer does work.
Since you are in TN does it have a NO SMOKING policy in public places?That really helps.Here in Delaware and several surrounding states the NO SMOKING policy is enforced in any place that public can go except private clubs like Moose,American Legion,VFW etc.Even our hospitals have just gone with it NO smoking on any grounds even employees.I just love it since it always upset me to have a nurse leaning over me stinking of smoke.both my sons smoke and I can't convince them to quit.They call me the SMOKE NAZI.It is just so harmful to your health especially messing up your veins and arteries and messing up your blood pressure.Just try to stay away from areas of temptation as much as possible.
Good for you! I smoked 2 packs a day since I was I dunno about 12 or 13 I quit when I was pregnant with my now 21 yr old daughter.. started again about 2 years later and quit again when I got pregnant with Raven- like you it was very easy to quit for that reason.

I started again after she was about 3 even though I had asthma (got it when I was pregnant with the first) I was back up to about a pack a day and then just became to hard to smoke cause I could not breathe.

I will say now with Asthma and a chronic auto immune disease I am just not physically able to smoke but I sure want to sometimes.

I never tried them so do not know if the patches and stuff work?
Well, I can tell you, I may try something to help, but it won't be by getting pregnant!

I have tried the patch before, makes me sicker than a dog, even using the lowest dose and taking it off when I start to feel bad. I did do the gum once, but then had to wean myself off of it, plus my jaw always hurt, I CHEWED that gum.

I honestly believe just running out after cutting out my last 2 is the answer, for me any way.

I sure do appreciate all of your suggestions, gives me that extra mmmp I need.
I will come out of the closet, I am a smoker...it's so embarrasing to admit. I have quit many times only to go back. My husband used Chantix and that worked for him...did not for me. You really have to be ready and it sounds like you are. I have used the patches, the electronic cigarette, nicatrol and they are all helpful to an extent...but I always went back...quiting is not hard, staying quit is the hard part. I'm glad you made the decision, I will be praying for your success. I want to quit too, but right now is not a good time. (always an excuse you know)...good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Inspire me!
Here is my ongoing smoking saga:

I have smoked for the past 20 years and am really trying hard to quit. Smokes are really expensive here, I "used" to smoke the cheap menthol which are around $11.50/pack and I smoked upwards of a pack a day. I feel like crap when I smoke, my chest hurts and it feels heavy and I will cough. My biggest hurdle is the habit. I smoked a couple of rollies on the weekend that tasted like crap, I then got brave and put 1/2 a patch on and it helps with the nicotine withdrawl but not with the habit part. The horses keep me busy when I am outside but when I go in the house or the garage I feel like I should be smoking. My hubby is not smoking as much. He won't smoke in the house but he does in the garage which is hard for me because that is where I brush, feed grain, clean little hooves and cuddle my mini's. I am also worried that I will gain the weight that I worked so hard to loose. There are so many stupid little things that I associate with smoking. For instance right now I am sitting at my desk at work wanting to have a smoke and fighting the urge to go and buy a pack. My last cig was a rollie last night at about 7 pm so I have been smoke free for 16.5 hours. I feel like I am not even thinking straight. I agree that we should start a stop smoking support thread for us smokers trying to quit.

Ahhhhh, I want a smoke. I could use a quitting partner or two. Anybody else out there wanting to do it?

I think even if there are only 2 of us, and I think there may be more, we could still do it. Actually, there is no question for me. I am very strong willed, and I will quit.

Get a plan together, that has really helped me and I am sticking to it. Cutting back 2 every other day has me down in the number I smoke, and I don't even notice those 2. Right now, yet, I have no affects when I smoke. Don't cough, or hurt,,,but I know I smell. If you do have those health affects, you for sure need to jump on board here and I will help all I can. Do you have an indoor hobby you could do? Get your mind elsewhere, Hawaii would be a nice place to go
I think everyone has to find what works for them personally. My husband was a diehard smoker who finally quit with the help of Zyban (welbutrin). He had tried everything with no success, smoked while he wore the patch (NOT a good idea lol), but with Zyban he just quit after a week and never looked back. It's been over 20 years and I'm still amazed that he did it.

I wish you success - you will never regret quitting.

Well, I resisted the urge and am still smoke free since Sunday night. I am getting my sense of smell back as when I walked in the house last night I could smell old cig. smoke, yuck and when hubby took his boots off I smelled his feet from across the livingroom!!! I have been wearing my patch and it seems to help but I still want to smoke, I could so easily have a puff but I can't. My mini's are only 9 months old so I have to be around for a very long time to look after them.

I am sure that there are more than 2 of us on this site who smoke so if anyone else wants to join in, I know that we can do it.

I am going to put my update on each morning but I do check in a few times during the day. Lets do it together.

Be SOOO proud of yourself for taking this GIANT step for your health.It is the single best thing you can do for yourself.Read the former posts about things you can do to avoid smokes.Try to avoid places and things that trigger your desire.Get an alternate place to do things other than former smoking hang outs.You can do this-just keep telling yourself and think of all the extra money you will have to spend on your Minis-you might even have enough to get another 1 or 2.Keep up the good work As a former smoker I am SOOO proud of you.Keep us posted on your progress.

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