To hardship or not

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2007
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Northern Nevada
I have a mare that is 7 or 8 years old. She is a very nice mare. She has the oldfashioned Quater Horse look. She is very level headed. A super driving horse. Totally bomb proof. Anyway, we are not going to show this mare. I think the show stress might be a bit much for this mare. She does not like change. She is a snowcap appy. She accidently got bred to my colt that has appy charicteristics (Appy dad X Appy charic. mom). Would you hardship this mare so the foal is registered? I don't think we are looking for any more foals out of her even though she is a super mom and nurse mare to any foal. I guess it depends on what she produces weather we want any more foals from her. What would you do?
I would honestly hardship anything you can ...while you still can. I strongly believe in 2 things about horses. Train them as much as you can, to be as versitile as they can, driving , show, therapy with kids,exposure to dogs, other horses , riding for small child etc,..... AND get them papered if you can. This is the "insurance policy " that if anything ever happened to you (and I hope nothing will) your mare will never ever see the inside of a slaughter house, or know what an auction looks like. I know I come across a little harsh for some on this forum... but I believe you love her enough to make sure everyone else thinks she is as wonderful as you do.
If you think she or the foal is worth hardship fees do it.
I think it's impossible to make a judgement about whether or not she is worth hardshipping without pictures, and then very difficult.

First of all, she cannot be hardshipped into AMHR unless she is already AMHA.

Your post says nothing about her height. She cannot be hardshipped AMHA unless she us under 34 inches.

Having registration papers DOES NOT insure that a horse will not be sold in a low class auction. I saw an Egyptian King grand daughter with AMHA papers go through a very low class horse auction a few years ago and if I remember right, she brought $110. She looked healthy, but I didn't bid on her because there were so many other horses there that were obviously sick that I didn't want to take a chance on infecting my herd.
Harshipping into AMHA has been well worth the money for me. Both stallions and mares. Their offspring have brought in way more than the initial cost of hardshipping. Plus they have produced top show horses for me.
We too are thinking about hardshipping a few into A while you still can. Yesterday I heard a rumor that the hardshipping fees are half-price for a while. Anyone know if that is true? That could influence our decision.
Plenty of registered horses go thru slaughter horses in fact almost a majority of them from the auction reports

That said I probobly would not hardship her into AMHA if you are nto going to show her and not going to breed her unless you truly feel the resulting foal will be worth the money

A good solid horse who drives and is well mannered will always have a market with families looking for that

It is hard to say what to do without looking at the horse but only can you decide if the foal has the potential to be worth it and if you would be happy the money was spent on the mare if god forbid something were to happen to the foal
I agree with Krissy on everything except the auction/slaughter statement.

Anything you can do to make a horse or its offspring more versatile, the better off that horse will be in finding a fullfilling job for its entire life. Be that pet, show horse, brood mare or whatever. Particularly if you are going to use her as a broodmare!

Good Luck,
We too are thinking about hardshipping a few into A while you still can. Yesterday I heard a rumor that the hardshipping fees are half-price for a while. Anyone know if that is true? That could influence our decision.
I would also like to know if anyone else has heard this "rumor".... thanks!
We too are thinking about hardshipping a few into A while you still can. Yesterday I heard a rumor that the hardshipping fees are half-price for a while. Anyone know if that is true? That could influence our decision.
I would also like to know if anyone else has heard this "rumor".... thanks!

I don't think it's the hardship fees but right now bringing revoked papers permanent is half price with a coupon. I WISH the would have a special on hardship- we have at least four or five we'd do!


I hope the paste works. Here are a couple of pictures of the mare. One in harness and one not. She is a stocky mare but her foals are not judging from the first one she had a month after she came to live with us. She is 34". Maybe just a hair under. It is "A" that we are looking at registering her. If we do then Maybe "R" later. I did hear that in 2010 they were going to drop the gelding hard ship fee to $250. If the mare fee went down to that for the year I would get the papers on her in a heart beat. We did have her inspected for registration but didn't get the fee and paperwork done. I know she will pass I just don't know if it is worth the $600.
If the hardship fee was half it is now I have a stallion I would hardship AMHA, and 2 mares. One mare her sire is AMHA and her dam was AMHA but outgrew her papers, honestly the oversized minis with AMHA should have breeding stock papers like they do with paints. Then if their foals are under 34" at the age required(5 right now, soon to be 3 if I heard right) they could have AMHA regular papers. My mare when I measured her for her AMHR permanent papers at age 3 she was 30.75". She will be 5 in January and hasn't grown taller. I know these 2 mares and stallion would be fine height wise for AMHA, I have 2 other mares that are 33.75" and 34" but wouldn't bother hardshipping them. Wish AMHA would accept horses up to 38" like AMHR as I have a amazing gelding that I would hardship if I could. He is over 34" and only WCMHR.

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