In the end, the original situation that was described is tragic. The mother has an untreatable illness and brought forth a child with the same illness. And the father is no longer a part of their lives. Some day all three will know what life leason they were to learn from that. And who knows? Perhaps during THIS life they will offer something positive to others as well! (Like Robert Frost did).
Very well said... I agree.
I find Robert Frost very interesting, and his writing to be very thought provoking... I didn't mean to take him to extreemes... just shared a bit of background on him to sort of point out that even one of the greatest intellectual minds known to man (in my opinion) has a defeciency... yet he triumphed and has had a profound effect, and continues to have a profound effect on the world through his writings and recorded lectures.
I find it very interesting that a great number of what are considered profound or highly noteworthy inventors, musicians, artists of all variances, and authors .... are people who have a disability or defect of some type... but that in no way reduced their influence... if anything, their reduction in one area amplified their ability in other areas... and I, myself would be greatly disappointed if their families had decided that there might be a chance they could be less than perfect, or affected/afflicted with something less than perfect health and decided not to have them at all.
It's a very hard decision for one to make,... and a person living with or faced with the possibility should learn all they can about what they are living with, and that person should make the choice on their own to have children or not have children.
I do see a big mistake on her part by not letting her husband be fully informed of the situation so HE could make the choice as well. The choice is hers, AND his. She choses to, he should have had the choice NOT to as well. Leaving may not have been my choice or my plan of action if I were him... but he never had a chance to be fully informed, and fully prepared for what he was faced with.
I do not believe at all that it is child abuse. I believe it was not fair to not inform the husband... I do, however, consider it to be neglectful if she chooses to not inform the child of everything she knows about the disease so that the child can be fully aware of it. (if that's possible in this case... I'm not sure of the details.)
If someone has a disability, or an inability, or an illness, or something that would complicate the life of someone else... they should fully inform the people it will/could affect... and they should fully inform themselves. (in my opinion)
PS: I was just thinking......Chaos -- My posts have all been made though a spiritual outlook and I didn't have a personal connection. I'm sorry you took anything I posted personally because of your own life situation. I understand that every life is different -- with so many ins and outs and details and decisions. Somehow I believe your own life is very different from what the original poster described and I also believe that if your children were ever asked if they would give anything up with the life you have provided them -- they would say "absolutely NOT"....... I do not think you should try to compare. There would be TOO many differences. Like Apples and Oranges. They are both FRUIT, but that's about it.
: You are right ... there are many differences in the situations... I was just trying to give my opinion as someone with first hand experience of a hereditary disease that causes you to be unable to use an integral part of your body... and as an afflicted woman who chose to have children with the possibility of passing it on to them.
I am also a mother who gives that choice to my children by fully informing them of what they are at risk for, and the likely-hood of passing it on to their children so that THEY in turn can make their own choice as to have children or not. (I also fully informed their father
before we had children.) I have informed my boys (not instructed, but informed) then that if they choose to they can have a specialist help them conceive male children, because their male children will only have a 50% chance of getting the disease.... they can go a step further and have the DNA examined to check for the RP factor on the "X" gene it travels on in our family....or ... they can let God decide and not try to interfere with His plans.
I'm not at all offended, upset, bothered, or anything. I sure don't want anyone to think I am.... I was just trying to voice my own ideas on the subject and wanted to build on the conversations because I find it very interesting.