"The father indeed had a choice -- to wear a condom or have a vasectomy. I DO NOT excuse him for not knowing the risks. He was married to someone with the condition, and if he loved her at all, then he would want to learn all that is known about how this would affect her life. He had to have known something about it from living with her, and he acted unconscionably by having unprotected sex and risking such a pregnancy."
--susanne, this is how I also feel.
I am not saying anything about the poor babe already here, as they had no choice, but rather the decisions, it sounds like, were made for the wrong reasons to have children.
I think to "cop out" (I know some of you will hate me for this) on a religious reason as in "god won't let it happen if it wasn't meant to be" is not a valid excuse. WE have to be responsible for our behavior as human beings, we have to TAKE these matters into our own hands and hearts and make wise and healthy, caring decisions. To knowingly conceive a child w/out the full knowledge of the father, even though HE was definitely lacking in his decision making skills, himself, is just plain irresponsible, if there was very little chance that the person resulting would have much chance at a life even approaching normal (I'm not talking about diseases that have smaller impacts, but it sounds like this child is severely afflicted and again I don't know what the disease is, so I'm guessing a little bit).
This is again one of the major reasons I find religion to be crippling as an advanced society. WE need to take care of ourselves and stop saying we are just doing what "so and so wants" (insert the name of whatever religious deity here). If we all lived this way, we are to just turn a blind eye and let the chips fall where they may and forget about educating ourselves to such wonders as the theories and proof of evolution, and scientific advances which yes, have some risks involved, but have made great leaps in improving all our lives and ultimately our quality of life.
This woman and her husband did, through a deliberate act, and one of neglect, bring a life into the world which apparently had a very good chance of an awful disease. The husband has left and that is not 100% fair, I hope he is still at least somewhat available to his child no matter what, but the mother has hopefully found some measure of joy in her decision to bring this baby into the world for its "purpose."
There is no answer, really, for as long as there are people on earth, we will make poor decisions, but ultimately, we have to take care of each other and learn from our mistakes. It is just too bad that this poor decision has resulted in unnecessary suffering and pain when there were likely hundreds of suitable babies waiting for love and attention.
Liz M.