Today has finally arrived, asking for prayers

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Get well soon little Blake!

Keeping your entire family in my thougts. I can only imagine what a trying time this is for you all. He'll be home and on the mend before you know it!
A lot has gone on today! Blake was taken back in and his chest is now closed, this means they believe all of the repairs took!! He is on a cooling blanket to keep down his temp and blood pressure. His heart is showing signs of keeping rhythm with out the pacemaker. The left side of his heart is showing signs of doing its share of work, something it has never done before, that side is where most of the reconstruction took place, how amazing is medicine these days?? He is still sedated BUT tomorrow, 3 days early, they are going to wake him up just for a little bit and see what his new heart does when he gets over excited! His parents are excited to see him awake! Julie spent the morning at med check with a severe ear infection, but with meds is feeling better. Julie and Tom would like to thank everyone for the prayers, they are for sure working!! Doctors said they have never tried to wake a kid at day 3, but Blake is showing signs he is ready and they are going to give it a try and see what this new heart can do! So tomorrow he gets to be a wake some and will also start weaning him from the respirator. Big day!!

They are in Boston, and although there is still fear there, my daughter says they feel very safe!!
This is such exciting, happy news! I can picture those pink toes as if they were right in front of me. Will his twin sister be able to visit him soon?
Continued thoughts and prayers and thank you for the updates. What an amazing lil fighter he is.
With Blake at Boston Childrens Hospital, finding the 2nd bomber in Boston has taken much stress away from our family. Our prayers still go out to all the families affected.

They slowly took away some of his meds yesterday so he could partially wake up, his heart had other ideas. So they will try again today. It was nothing major but enough of a concern they made the decision to give him more time. Machines continue to do most of the work so he had a quiet rest of the day.

Your prayers are so appreciated, thank you so very much!!
I have not checked in here for months - but so glad I logged on today to see that Blake is making strides! He is strong and I know he will continue to improve. We will be praying for him!

Pink is a wonderful color after seeing them be "blue" for three years! I remember that day well. I didn't even realize how "blue" my daughter was until she was pink!

Praying for Blake and the rest of the family!

It was a long day for our little guy! They let him wake up some, he did open his eyes but kept grabbing his chest so they sedated him again. They had planned to do that anyway as to put him back on the cooling blanket to better control his temperature. But while he was awake some it allowed them to do needed tests on his heart. They took one of the ports out as his body is holding fluid, so they took away IV fluids, (one of them) and put a feeding tube in. He is also on diuretics for the fluid build up. They also took out one of the two drainage tubes. It all sounds rather simple but for him it was a lot going on to his body. The tests are showing that is heart is not keeping pace, he has an external pace maker and they are going to give him until Monday for his heart to correct on it's own, if it doesn't, he will have to have a pacemaker. We are so appreciative of all the people who continue to think of our Blakey!! Thank you so much for the prayers, and allowing me to update/vent. Next few days very critical as the weaning process begins.
Prayers continuing for little Blake and his family. Thank you for keeping us updated.
Still sending tons of thoughts and prayers your way. Hoping to hear positive updates soon.
Blake went back into surgery on Tuesday, had to have a pacemaker put in. It was't what we had hoped for, but it will help him get better and that is what we want. Yesterday our little superman was up and in a chair!! They took out the other chest tube, took out the feeding tube, took out another IV, so now he thinks he is mobile!! lol He is having milk shakes and smoothies for now, his tummy doesn't like much else, mainly due to meds. He does have some fluid on his lungs and have added diuretics to help with that, he also has ran a low grade fever, most likely just form the surgery on Tuesday. He has some discomfort in his chest from both surgeries and the inserting and removal of tubs, but they are giving him what he can tolerate to help with that. The BEST news, tomorrow they are allowing his twin sister Riley and older brother Aidan to visit him!! They are all so very excited! It has been a long 9 days, some excitement is needed!

I can't begin to thank all of you enough for keeping Blake in your prayers!! He is on a positive run and so hoping it continues!!
Thank God the siblings are getting to visit! That is sure to left their spirits and Blake's. I also thank God for the guardian angel(s) watching over little Blake.
I believe with all my heart that Blake is not alone in that room for one second.
Sounds like Blake is making huge strides in the right direction! I know getting chest tubes out probably made him feel better. Those things are nasty! Continued prayers for Blake and I can't wait to come back and read that he's home with his family!

Hugs and Prayers,

Sorry just seen this Now..
Praying for Blake to make a full recovery and thinking of you all in your time of need..
How wonderful that he will get to see his siblings:) Holding him in healing light, may he continue to improve, and get stronger day by day.
So much the last few days and all is good! Blake is out of ICU!! He is playing with toys on his bed and in a chair and big smiles!! He was able to go outside to their courtyard, enjoyed the sun and visit with his brother and sister. Tests done yesterday and a 4th chamber that many said would never work is now functioning!! Blake's entire life he has lived with an oxygen level in the 70 percent range, yesterday it was 99 percent!! Stomach issues have been resolved and he ate 3 meals yesterday! For now it is a matter of keeping an eye on the repairs and getting him some strength back.We are so very blessed and thankful for such awesome doctors, for Bostons Childrens Hospital, and the number of friends who have included Blake in their prayers! Thank you all so very much!!
That is wonderful, wonderful news! Way to go Blake, and Children's Hospital! It's times like these that show how powerful one's spirit really is, and the amazement of technology and just how far makind has come.
Continued prayers coming Blake's way on his road of recovery.

P.S. Did he and his sister get a lot of birthday cards a few months back? I think mine arrived a few days late, but hopefully the singing cards made up for it. Lol
They did get tons of cards!! Just over 100!! Thank you so much for thinking of them, it was a GREAT birthday!!


Our superman Blake is on his way home!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all so much for the prayers!!!!!!!

He still has lots of recovering to do, but they decided he could do it at home just as well!

Tests results show his heart is working very good!! He has a small valve problem they will wait and fix at a later date.

So very blessed and thankful!!!!!!!!!

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