vickie gee
Well-Known Member
and have they ever even heard of Lil Beginnings?

I did not keep a tally. I'd guess the number would be around a dozen there and far more that that before and since. You know how it is in a long line. You get involved in conversations with the people you are geographically closest to.Jill, it's good you know why you were there. How many people did you speak with in the long line?
I too know why, not that most would accept or even hear it. So why bother? You a also correct in needing to focus on MUCH larger issue's as the joint is rapidly burning down right around us, YET the focus is on this far less important issue. An Oz conundrum for sure.Carrage, I can only assume why they started to stir the pot, and as to why they continue to do so, I'll keep my thoughts on this matter to myself. I'm sitting here in tears! Our country needs to concentrant on more important matters, and to to try really hard to love and respect each other, and even to value others opinions but not to try to gain power from our own.