Well-Known Member
OK, here's another animal question. My husband rescued a tomcat that some people abandoned when they sold or their place was foreclosed on. (husband does remodeling/construction on the side and this was on a job). I am not sure if the cat was still inside somewhere or if he was left outside. It was between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Anyway, he's been keeping him in the tack room in the barn, which is heated about 58-65 degrees. He has a litterbox which my husband says he was supposedly (supposedly-since I couldn't go out there since I am on crutches) using. Well, we had some thawing and I can get out there. The tack room reeks of tomcat spray (luckily almost all the tack is in the house for the winter). This cat is, rough guess, between 2-4 years old. If we get him neutered, what are the chances he will quit spraying? If there's one thing I can't stand it's tomcat spray. We had that before with a barn cat and he kept spraying the hay that we would stack downstairs for the week. The horses wouldn't touch it. (can you blame them!). My husband loves cats and I don't hate them-but I can't put up with this. I didn't know about the cat until they had caught him and were bringing him home. I would prefer a spayed female or a neutered kitten who never got the spraying notion.