Weather has not cooperated lately, but finally was able to get him in the regular cart today. My sister helped at first, keeping a lead rope on, but soon unhooked that, as he was doing very well. We did some figure eights in the yard first, then went out onto the road. We did turns, transitions, up and down some embankments, and a big spray rig even passed him on the road. AND he kept the bit in his mouth properly! Good boy!
One thing I noticed with him, and I've seen this before when a horse is new in harness: they need to figure out that their body is hooked together. They have trouble getting the hind end to work with the front end; pushing the load, instead of pulling. But by the time we had gone up and down the embankments a few times, he was figuring it out.
This was his first time wearing breeching and having a load (me). Have used blinders on him once ground driving, and he was fine with them, but I'd rather work with an open bridle when we're starting out.
We are turning back into our gate from the main road, on our way home, in the photo. My husband took a few pictures--so helpful to get a better idea of tweaking the harness.