Yep, to me, meat is meat.. bovine, sheep, goat, emu, ostrich, pork, snake, domestic and wild fowl, crocodile, fish, sea food, rabbit, deer, elk, javelina, antelope, buffalo.. I've tried all those and probably some I have forgotten. I have not eaten horse not because I wouldn't, just never had an opportunity.
Closing slaughter houses here hasn't saved anything or made things better- now the horses spend days on a crowded truck with no food or water or place to lay down, so they can be trucked out of the country to unknown conditions. To me, it was turning a blind eye to the problem so people here would feel better about it all. Now they can pretend it doesnt happen. And now they go off to countries where we have no control over any regulations of what happens. Why weren't the conditions here changed instead? It was putting a bandaid on an arterial wound.
I dont see how anyone can rightfully feel good about having them shipped off to another country to have the deed done- the end result is the same. I think slaughter houses need to be reopened here in a responsible way and the treatment of ANY animals there needs to be monitored by their management and no abuse tolerated.
Not all horses can or should be saved. There is a time to end the misery for some. (Flame suit on now) I have never been against horse slaughter, just as I am not against cattle, pig, etc...
My opinion is that not ALL societies or people are against eating horse meat. I am sure people in India think the rest of the world is insane for eating cattle.