Training for jumping? how?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
Okay im thinking about putting coco in the ponies until 35inches jumping class. How exactly do you get them trained to do jumping. My one friend who has a mini AMHA registerd 'charistmatic chorvet' was doing some fun jumping at the fair over a bail of hay. But i know coco ..and its gunna take some time. So how do you train for jumping.
If you horse is at least 3 years old you can train him for jumping. Always start out small. Set up some poles over the ground and trot him over those. Then make some small cross rail jumps that are like 6 inches high and trot him over those. Gradually raise the jump 2 inches at a time. They catch on quick!!
I only know a thimble full about jumper training so won't attempt that, but I did want to say that all the training in the world, won't make a jumper. Just like people, they are born to enjoy some things and not others. Have patience, but if after he has the concept down, you don't see any "drive" to go over the jump, then maybe he'd prefer something else. Just experiment with what advice you get, but do be prepared that they don't all care for jumping. I have one filly that I think will enjoy jumping. I tried her over a pole only about 6" off the ground (just in case we encountered something in an obstacle class, she's still too young to jump persay) She really did a nice job of lifting herself and driving off her backend. My stallion on the other hand. Heaven forbid he'd actually put forth that much effort. I was in an obstacle class one time and he sorta knew about going over jumps, but not something we spent much time on. Anyway. They had a jump that had to be at least 20-24" high. He headed right for it and didn't hesitate, but I bet an oxen could have jumped higher and with more grace
LOL, Jumping just isn't his thing, you actually have to put forth effort and pick your feet up
But what he does- he does so well that I love him anyway

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