Training/Playing indoors in limited space

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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2005
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SW Idaho
The wind chill this week has been just nasty. The ponies have been out most days, but it's too uncomfortable for ME to work with them out there (wimpy CA transplant). So I'm limited to the barn isle, which is too narrow (16' X 48', and not entirely clear) to lunge or do annything major. We've been grooming, working on feet, standing pretty, the usual stuff; but we're all getting bored and fussy. Especially the baby; she actually seems to be regressing because I can't work with her in a big open space. She's started getting mouthy the past couple of weeks and I'm pretty sure it's frustration.

Any ideas for some fun, interactive games or tricks to keep them occupied and learning, while keeping myself out of the wind? Or should I just accept that we're all getting a little nuts with cabin fever and back off a bit?

Many thanks. I'm off to make some hot chocolate...
Actually my friend that has minis had the same problem! Except her barn has no room at all to excercise! So actually she would keep toys in their stalls when she wasn't working with them and she would let them have plenty of pasture time when it wasn't blowing out! But since it is blowing out I don't know if this would work but if your barn has a dirt floor then trot them up and down it a few times but if it's concrete then just pad it down and try! I'm trying to think of what else my friend did because she also has show minis!

Hope this helps!

Mini Horse Lover
Sometimes we are also hold up in the barn due to nasty weather conditions.

I do feel it's important to keep them moving about a bit but I don't feel the need to work them per say as in training every day.

Not me. Heck with working horses freezing half to death., nope not me.

They don't need to set up or do any of that junk all the time. I feed them! I break down their hay feedings into small feedings several times a day, make a warm beet pulp for lunch, and have a groom-a-thon and that's pretty much it. Well there is the radio and I do talk to them on the intercom a lot. Freaks them out when they can hear me but can't see me!

While I clean thier stalls, I'll open their stall doors up and let them have a free-for-all..They love that part just tearing up the barn on me and holding their wrestling matches and ....oh it's just such a joy when all the mares run to our stallion's Nick's stall and try to get bred over his door...............

They do tend to keep themselves amused.

I hang the horse "lick-it's" in there stalls to help keep them busy. They love them, in fact they love them so much around here we call it "HORSEY CRACK!!!" I have a few that would run you down and stand on you for a new one!

:bgrin :bgrin :bgrin
I say just open up the barn aisle, and let them roam, that movement alone will help.
You have way more room than most people do I think! What about training back, side pass, and some cute tricks too? Get a sturdy block, wood or something- I used to use a tree stump- and teach the horses to step up onto it with one, and then both feet. Its not really handy for anything except entertainment, but learning anything keeps their minds busy busy busy! Your barn isle is big enough to work on one obstacle at a time for an obstacle course. Set up a tarp and have them walk over it. Draw a circle on the floor and have them pivot in it. Practice leading them a few steps with their eyes covered, you never know when this will come in handy! Lay poles down and have them walk over them, then lay down two close together and have them walk (forwards and back) between them parallel. Teach them to "ground tie". You can actually do a lot with the space you have. If any of your horse have any annoying barn habits this is the time to fix those too.
Ok now WHIMP if I can do it you can LOL we even ground drove yesterday (Ok not for long) and today is well STUPIDLY cold so just grooming but I agree with the obstacle kinda stuff it is different for them and good practice
20 below wind chills here in Wisconsin though the actual temps are just above 0.

Nope not doing it, everyone gets some time off and lots of hay to keep them warm, and though I'll think of a subsitute for the hay I'm doing the same thing!

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