Ok i have a 44" ASPR pony. I trained him to drive this spring and he's been doing great. I'd like to have him doing at least a little of everything so when i decide to finally sell him he is well educated and can go to a variety of homes. Usually when i walk past him i'll put my weight over him and hug him ect. I'm WAY WAY too big to ride him but there is a kid up the road that i ride with frequently..i think she told me she was 109lbs. Would she be way too big to help train him to ride by riding him for me? It certainly wouldn't be a long period of time, but i'd like to get him going under saddle and i wouldn't put a small child on him now being he's a stallion or someone that didn't know how to ride... He came to me VERY wild and is still a bit spazzy about some things so he'll need regular 'schooling'. How long would be too long for her to ride him at her weight too?