Joe is quite special, and thus has had to give me a run for my money the past 2 years. The vet said that teeth are generally more of a problem in stallions and tiny heads. So we've done the whole dental thing, treated a leg laceration, he has experienced weight loss, and now rain rot. My barn is cleaner than it has been in years and everyone gets special treatment, but it has been a very wet year. Always the most special ones find a way to keep you on your toes. While I'm treating the rainrot has anyone here treated horses for ulcers? He's a very worried stallion and runs and whinnies much of the time. He is grazed, gets grain, and lots of grass hay, and he is wormed regularly. He's still too thin in spite of all of the food. Everything that goes in him gets run out of him. Besides gelding him (because I would eventually like to breed him again) I'm still looking for solutions! Any suggestions for weight gain supplements? As for ulcers, I've never treated for ulcers and would not be a bit surprised that is his problem. Any help for that?
Here's Joe after his betadine scrub bath
Here's Joe after his betadine scrub bath