Well-Known Member
I know I can't be the only one that has suffered through this rain storm! It has been raining for four days, it has finaly stopped but thunderstorms forcast for tonight. Yesterday the barns were flooded, I spent all day stripping stalls, muck buckets were so heavy I couldn't even dump into the ranger had to tip them over on the ground, something else to clean up. Back hurt so bad last night I had to take a muscle relaxer and pain pill. Only to have the stalls flood again. Befor Hurricane Irene hubby fixed all the barn gutters and put sand bags on the outside of the stall that usually floods, but nothing prepared us for all this water. Bags of bedding are not cheap! I've gone through all I had and stalls are still a mess. Had to move some horses to the indoor were it is dryer. Then this morning I go into my den to feed my birds and the ceiling has collapsed, it is a drop ceiling and has a flat roof. Water all over everything. I had to throw out some of my Christmas decorations and all of my books and magizines stored in there. I spent all morning soping up water and the smell was so bad I had to put vicks under my nose to clean it up. Ground has so much water it won't soak in, paddocks are a mess, can't clean up manure, garden, forget it, I sank up to my ankles. Well I guess tomorrow I'll go back to the store and buy more bedding. I only hope my back holds up, it is killing me. Hubby had surgery on July 31, and can't do anything, and wouldn't you know my help has hurt his back too. I'm so sorry to burden you guys, but I'm sure you all have stories of your own to share. Please share them, so I don't feel so alone.