Thank you for providing the information needed here Bunnylady
A few nights ago a maiden mare gave birth and rejected her foal (Journey). We held her and allowed the colt to nurse hourly all night and into the afternoon of the following day. Try as we might she wanted nothing to do with him and she became increasingly dangerous to handle. The last feeding took four people to hold her and our vet said enough. It wasn't worth the risk to us, the mare or the colt. We switched him to formula and continue to milk her to mix with it. She was great for milking so we knew that there was nothing overly sore with her bag.
He took to the bottle quickly and we prayed that Tonja would foal and we could get her to take him. She cooperated and we were successful in getting her to take another baby, who she loves equally.
Tonja was throwing her head (not uncommon for her) and was aggitated when a friend went to the barn to pick stalls. Tonja knew it was feeding time and she was understandbly hungry. She also is protective of her babies and doesn't like other horses coming in, so you will see her react to that as well.
Yes, Journey has nursed a good bit, making up for lost time, but Tonja's colt has been nursing as well and we are trying to monitor them to make sure they ae both getting what they need. Our vet will be there later today to flush Pearl and to check the little ones.
So, while we don't have twins we certainly have a miracle. Bottle raising a foal is not a great option so we are very very grateful.