Ugh, I hate being sick!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Ok anybody got any sick remedies? I have been battleing a minor cold since summer. Now that winter is here its getting worse. My house is as warm as I can afford and I do ware pants,sweatshirts and slippers when im home. Its freezeing out side and then when I get to work, its hotter then heck so im sure that dont help.

Im not a vitamin person, have tried that but dont do good at takeing them. I do eat healthy thou. HOwever the last month or so, not sure if its cause if have been more on the sick side or because of other stuff, I eat it makes me sick and dont stay down anyway.

I am getting my appatiet back, and am trying to eat normal again, especially before turkey day gets here. But last night at work I was hungery so I eat.........bad bad decision. I have never felt so terrible in my life.

Dont sleep much either. I currently am working the 3-11 shift, the one I sleep and function the best on as its my normal hours. However havent slept good lately and its normally 5 am wake up. If I can make it tell 7 I am haveing a good day.

I did get my flu shoot last week, so hopefully I wont get that anymore(already have had it twice this year).

Anybody have any ideas how to kick this crap?
It sounds like me that it is time to suck it up and go to a doctor.
Are you sure it isn't allergies? I used to get sick like that a lot and thought it was just colds. Then I got a nasty cough that was the worst I've ever had. Coughed so much I had pulled muscles and crakced ribs.

I got sent for allergy testing and Voila! I'm very allergic to a few things with the worst being dust mites, dog, molds and trees. I get shots now evey month and no more cold/allergy attacks like that.
I am sure this isn't what you're wanting to hear, but I agree, you need a trip to the doctor. Last year, my mom thought she was battling a cold for months, but it turned out she had a sinus infection and those can really wear you down.
It could be allergies. The docts told us kids dont be suprised if as we got older we got allergic to some stuff as mom is allergic to everything under the sun, and im not kidding either.

I know I have gotten a mild allergy to horses, but work with that.

I have had a dog since April, but it hasnt been that long that I have been like this.

I do cough alot, my stomech does hurt from it. Worse yet is I have a tendancey to cough until im gaging myself.
Ashley, you could actually even have pnuemonia from what you just said!!! Or bronchitis (sp?). I know people who have had what they call "walking pnuemonia" and were shocked to discover (after finally going to the doctor's) that they were that ill. Get yourself to the doctor, please! I know it's a hassle but I think that is the first step towards getting better.
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I just went through 1 month of this stuff, finally called the doc. she gave me 3 meds 1 being predizone, my friend who is a nurse said that would be for bronchitis. better not wait much longer some say it turns into pneumonia. Feel better, Kathy
I wouldnt say its bronchitis. I have had that before and it dont feel like that. My chest doesnt hurt or feel tight or anything. Its my stomech that hurts when I cough.
Go to the dr? then after he tells you what it is, get some garlic, They have the sociable kind, meaning it is odorless. And take them. They are very good for you. They build up your white blood cells so you can fight stuff off better, are known to be good for high blood pressure and high choloristal. Sorry ddint spell that rght but you get the idea.

Remember you wont smell from them >
I second the "Go to the Dr" advice. And a few other things to say:

Even though you haven't had the sickness as long as you've had the dog, it could still be allergies to the dog. Or just plain allergies. I'd never once had allergies to anything, and during the summer of my... I think, 16th year... I was baaad. I had a cough and all, but no fever, and somewhat diminished (but still present) appitite. Definately wasn't "sick". Turned out to be allergies- seasonal ones. I think it was the hay being grown alllll over the place, since that was the first year I spent out in the sticks.
Then we moved out here and my allergy season got a heck of alot longer -.- new plants and junk.

Allergies are easy to treat, at least, sometimes.

You may still get the flu, too, even if you've had the flu shot. The shot only works agianst those flu "bugs" that are included in it- they get together and figure up which ones they think are going to be prevalent in this year's flu season, and make up the shot from that. So if you come into contact with a non-covered pathogen...

I recently had a bout with something. I have no clue what it was- I had a cough, and a somewhat stuffy/runny nose, but no fever, etc. It wasn 't my allergies (I've gotten good at recognizing those..) and after a course of antibiotics and antihistamine/expectorant/decongestant meds, I was fine. I'd coughed so much my back ached.

And while I was still pregnant, in June or around there, we had a sinus infection from heck run through the family (all... 2 of us at the time LOL).

Hopefully you'll feel better soon. You can try tea to ease your coughing, or hot mist/steam- the hot steam/mist treatments sure gave me some relief when I was recovering from pneumonia, and from that sinus infection.

A persistant cough for more then 2 weeks warrants Dr's attention, even if it's just to be told "It's nothing"- because it could be something really nasty
Those symptoms just don't seem like a cold, and it's been so long, you need to find out what's going on.

I would hit up the dr.'s office, as much as I hate doctors.

What our family physician tells us to use for colds and coughs is Chamomile tea. He uses it for his own family and says he no longer has to use any other medications for coughs since (at least for his family and for the average type colds). He says it thins out the secretions of a cold/congestion, and helps them exit the body w/out causing secondary infections.

I am just getting over a nasty bout of bronchitis, myself, and it caused me to cough so much I would have reflexive heaves afterwards, but I never threw up, luckily.

Being sick is awful, and I for sure would not tolerate a long term illness like you have had w/out consulting a dr.

Hope you are feeling better, soon.

Liz M.
nootka said:
Those symptoms just don't seem like a cold, and it's been so long, you need to find out what's going on.I would hit up the dr.'s office, as much as I hate doctors.

What our family physician tells us to use for colds and coughs is Chamomile tea.  He uses it for his own family and says he no longer has to use any other medications for coughs since (at least for his family and for the average type colds).  He says it thins out the secretions of a cold/congestion, and helps them exit the body w/out causing secondary infections.

I am just getting over a nasty bout of bronchitis, myself, and it caused me to cough so much I would have reflexive heaves afterwards, but I never threw up, luckily. 

Being sick is awful, and I for sure would not tolerate a long term illness like you have had w/out consulting a dr.

Hope you are feeling better, soon.

Liz M.


Interesting.. I use Chamomile for a "sleep aid". Dead useful, non-addictive...

... maybe I should start drinking a cup before bed -.-
Well I will see if I can get in next week other wise it will have to be after Turkey day. I need to get my shoulders looked into anyway as I cant tolorate the pain and popping anymore.

Good thing is my appitite is comeing back. I cant eat much as its been so long since I have been able but at least im hungery. I also have to eat really bland foods or my stomech goes in a mess shortly after.

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