Its been 2 years now in treating my mare s Ulcer and stall walking at feeding times ...She was starved , and the result of the starvation was Ulcers, and pacing at meal time , up to 3 hours a day. The pacing flattened her hind hooves, and put added stress on her fetlocks and hocks
I am wondering if anyone else has managed to treat Ulcers that were so far gone that the horse delvloped vices ...Or I should say the starvation was so bad it caused Ulcers and Vices.
Its been 1 month and we have had no sign of stall lwalking , or pacing, and the hooves are looking a lot better, also we can touch her hooves ,and back legs without her shaking.
I have been feeding this horse endless amounts of hay, slowly i think she is realizing that she doen not need to look for food. Her confidence is up , and she is now protecting her feed pile , and defending herself. I have read a lot , and it seems that the assorted meds are just a cover up to help ease or nuetralize the pain, so I have only given her the bicarbonate to nuetralize , and the endless amounts feed to help her mentally understand there is no longer a need to worry about food. Has anyone else been successful with helping horses overcome vices like weaving , cribbing , or stall walking due to starvation, or confinment?
I hear Peach in the morning shuffeling about from 6 am ... but thankfull that rythemic pace back and forth is no longer there , she just stands at the wall she use to pace , and waits paciently ... so far so good !
I am wondering if treating ulcers longterm has more to do with finding the physocological problem , and healing that "fear" so the acid does not form in such high amounts ... anyone have any thoughts on this ,?
Its been 2 years now in treating my mare s Ulcer and stall walking at feeding times ...She was starved , and the result of the starvation was Ulcers, and pacing at meal time , up to 3 hours a day. The pacing flattened her hind hooves, and put added stress on her fetlocks and hocks

I am wondering if anyone else has managed to treat Ulcers that were so far gone that the horse delvloped vices ...Or I should say the starvation was so bad it caused Ulcers and Vices.
Its been 1 month and we have had no sign of stall lwalking , or pacing, and the hooves are looking a lot better, also we can touch her hooves ,and back legs without her shaking.
I have been feeding this horse endless amounts of hay, slowly i think she is realizing that she doen not need to look for food. Her confidence is up , and she is now protecting her feed pile , and defending herself. I have read a lot , and it seems that the assorted meds are just a cover up to help ease or nuetralize the pain, so I have only given her the bicarbonate to nuetralize , and the endless amounts feed to help her mentally understand there is no longer a need to worry about food. Has anyone else been successful with helping horses overcome vices like weaving , cribbing , or stall walking due to starvation, or confinment?
I hear Peach in the morning shuffeling about from 6 am ... but thankfull that rythemic pace back and forth is no longer there , she just stands at the wall she use to pace , and waits paciently ... so far so good !
I am wondering if treating ulcers longterm has more to do with finding the physocological problem , and healing that "fear" so the acid does not form in such high amounts ... anyone have any thoughts on this ,?