Ultrasounding ???'s

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2004
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southwestern pennsylvania
When you have mares in foal that you have not had ultrasounded but know that they are in foal can you have an ultrasound done to see if they are within a month or less of foaling??I have a mare that was covered twice last year once march 12th and again in april ..Her udder has started to relax but there is no milk or waxing or anything...No vulva changes no loosing around the tail head ..her udder started too relax about a week and a half ago...was thinking about having her ultrasounded or due you think she is to close to ultrasound...She is a double reg 32 in mare and she looks like a barrel on toothpicks...any help or advice would be greatly appreciated ...thanks in advance..
No, it is not something I would advise.

A good Vet (or Vet Tech) with a tiny hand could tell you immediately but I would be more inclined to just wait out the two months.
Having her ultrasound this late in pregnancy is not going to give you any idea of an accurate due date. You already know she is pregnant so there would be no point in doing an ultrasound.

Jane do remember we have the ultrasound "wands" here that are made for rectal ultrasound of miniature horses, and does not require the hand to enter the mare.
Yes, so do we

I still would not risk it unless it was really necessary.
With large horses, veterinarians used to tell us that after 45 days, not to do it. In the larger horses, by that time, the foal is too large to get an accurate reading. I don't know about the minis, have never had one ultra sounded that I can remember.
I have had mares ultrasounded from 11 (that was a mistake but my Vet still managed to do it!!) days to 48 (when I was pretty sure this particular mare had lost the foal, which she had) without any problems.

After that...well, I have not often bought in an in foal mare so have nt needed to do it.

I just feel with only 8 weeks, possibly less to go, you might as well wait
thank you very much ...I guess i will just be on constant mare stare for awhile I will let you all know when the baby gets here.....Hopefully she will hold off until this nasty cold snap leaves..

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