Well-Known Member
Haven't gotten any calls or responses to my emails....
OMH What is happening?????
I just got a call from the Governor's office. She said they got a call from Senator Roberts office after they called me.
I told them everything I could think of....about the obvious starvation and their emaciated condition, trash and junk, the 2 horses who had lost an eye, the 2 blind horses, the maggot infested sheath that it took over an hour to clean, our concern about them surviving the winter, the fact that the worst ones had been surrendered and that some of us were there on Friday purchasing them (simply taking the ones Vern was willing to let us take) for the sole purpose of saving their lives, how I drove there from out of state because of my concern for them.
And they want pictures...for the file. She said the youtube video is already part of the file. I mentioned the Fox 4 newscast on Friday and she read it while we were talking.
She assured me (same as Sen Roberts) that they were monitoring the situation. She said the Humane Society (?) had a vet out there on Thursday and something else that was close but not quite what we've been told (darn it, can't remember what it was).
Is anybody else getting calls???????
:new_shocked: hey tried the email you gave me . Didn't go thru-about the feed contact me...JudyI will try to acclimate myself from the photos when I go back this Sunday for thise interested in certain horses and their availability and whereabouts. I have a hay donation for the herd and hope to pick up a little gelding I asked Vern to save back for me. Ginny stated: YOU'RE ALREADY HOOKED. 10-4, good buddy!!
So is anyone helping Trembly financially?
Gini. Thanks to you and all the volunteers who helped in this rescue.I know it can be very stressful.From my own experience taking back just 2 half starved Mini mares, it is very draining emotionally.We want so very much for all Minis to be cared for, well fed and healthy and loved and when it doesn't happen it hits us in the pits of our stomach and soul.Again, thanks for all you did.I am sure many times it is a thankless job.I wish I could have done more than I did.