These are my oldest two. The steer is about 3.5 months and the heifer is about 3 months. The steer will get his life spared a little longer then planned as I have another heifer calf who is blind that I hope to butcher next fall.

Your calves look great!
I can't "do" calves any more as I let myself get attached to one once. My dad had hundreds of beef cattle every year when I was very young but I never learned anything about them. So as am adult someone offered me an orphan bottle baby and I took him. Had him castrated at 6 weeks. He lived with the minis (I didn't know better) until his mounting them in his version of play became too rough, so then he lived with the riding horses. Nobody told me you couldn't make a pet out of them so I brushed him, lead him around, played run and tag with him each day. He was named baby and was allowed in the yard, ate treats, came when called, etc. THEN he grew up! He was an Angus cross...can't think of the type his dad was, but by 8 months he weighed about 675 lbs. He was up to close to 850 by 10 months and he became too dangerous. He still wanted to play and almost killed me one day at feeding time. Butted me flat out and knocked the wind out of me. My rod went flying so all I could do was roll away from the dropped feed so he'd eat and stop tossing me around. When I could finally get up, I got the heck out of the field and had to make the horrible phone call to have him picked up. It was heartbreaking as I'd foolishly made a very dangerous animal out of him. The guys that came to get him were scared to death as they said an ex pet was a disaster waiting to happen. They were shocked at how he just led out of the pasture right onto their trailer. If he wasn't hungry, he was fine.
So sad. My ignorance is what brought all this on. I will NEVER try to make a pet out of a steer again.
Trust me, once they've knocked you over, sending them down the road isn't a problem.There is some very good info in this thread.
We've considered getting a calves but I am totally incapable of not making a pet out
of everything.
I can make a pet out of a loaf of bread while standing in line at the grocery store![]()
I've kept that in the back of my mind but your stories have disuaded me. Guess it's
grocery store meat for us, forever.