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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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My 7 year old mare's jaw is almost umoveable -- she can't open it enough to eat. Her temp is normal, and she is not stiff legged or have any other typical symptoms of Tetanus. She is "Huffing" - almost like a heavey horse. The vet is unsure - may be tetanus, but she hasn't seen the heavey breathing with it before. She's hungry and tries to eat. Don'tknow of any wounds or haven't had her feet done recently.

We have her on antitoxin, banamine, and penicillin. Any body seen anything like this?
Could she have gotten kicked and maybe broken her jaw? Maybe she has something stuck in there that is holding her jaw closed. Has the vet taken x-rays?
I recently had a mare with a broken jaw and it was very difficult for her to eat. We did not know the jaw was broken till it was too late. She was being treated for unknown causes. She did not make it. Take an xray, it might save her life.

Ginny StP
Wish I could help you with an answer. Just sending out prayers for your mare tonight.

Hopefully she is being given liquids?


I hope your mare will be okay.
Is she in foal, or open?

I ask because when our mare had her problem with calcium deficiency last year, her problems started out much like what you describe. Initially we thought she had a respiratory infection/sore throat--she sort of acting like she wanted to eat, but couldn't--she had her jaw clenched. From there she progressed to thumps and some mild muscle tremors, then the thumps quit and the muscle tremors became severe. When the vet saw her she said the mare had one of two things--tetanus, or a calcium deficiency.

Since the mare was on a regular vaccination program--and while not 100% foolproof the tetanus vaccine is a very effective vaccine--the vet decided to go with the feeling that we had a calcium problem, & treated the mare for that. She was right. The IV calcium stopped the muscle tremors & relaxed the mare's jaw

Best of luck to you--I'm sending prayers & best wishes for your mare!
I'll keep your mare in my thoughts and prayers.
Poor thing! I'll definately add her to my prayer list. Please let us know what they decide. The only thing I could think of is toxic plants. We have star thistle in our area and if the horses eat it(most won't) can produce paralysis of the chewing muscles so they can't eat. I hope she improves for you.
I don't want to add to your worries as you have a grave situation already but watch out for hyperlipemia. If your horse can't eat it could set her up for getting it. The mechanism is if she isn't eating the brain thinks she is starving and will dump the fat stores into the bloodstream which clogs up the liver. It is a life threatening situation we have reversed quickly by tube feeding and replacing the food source.

I am sorry for what you are going through but hopefully if this does happen you will be forwarned and act quickly.
Is there any possibility of snakebite? Hope for a good outcome..

UPDATE - at 4 am this morning I checked her and her jaw had relaxed, she had eaten her hay and grain, and drank half a pail of water, and was resting comfortably. Right now she's out in a grass pen eating

THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

She is nursing - I wonder if it is calcium? I'm going to call the vet and ask that question. I just don't think it's tetanus..
What a wonderful update!!!

Please let us know what you find out.

Oh I am so happy she is doing better
I just wanted to share with you though that when I had a Nubian goat years ago she acquired tetanus. And the first thing the Vet did when he came out was clap really loud and she over reacted greatly to the clap...that convinced him that it was tetanus. She reacted the same as your mare too....stiff legs..locked jaws and acting as though she was having seizures...but she did not want to eat. Sadly we had to put her down
I will keep your girl in my thoughts & prayers.

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